The rise of antibiotic resistant diseases essay
About 70% of antibiotics sold here are used on livestock. Scientists say that could lead to drug-resistant bugs that can be passed to humans.
Antibiotic Resistance in Bacteria
One cause of resistance could be drug abuse. There are people who believe that when they get sick, antibiotics are the answer. The more times you use a drug, the more it will decrease the effect it has on you. That is because the bacteria has found a way to avoid the effects of that antibiotic. Another cause of resistance is the improper use of drugs.
The Rise of Antibiotics
When patients feel that the symptoms of their disease have improved, they often stop taking the drug. Just because the symptoms have disappeared it does not mean the disease has gone away. Prescribed drugs should be taken until all the medicine is gone so the disease is completely finished. If it is not, then this will just give the bacteria some time to find a way to avoid the effects of the drug.
One antibiotic that will always have a long lasting effect in history is penicillin.
About Antimicrobial Resistance
This was the first antibiotic ever to be discovered. Alexander Fleming was the person responsible The the disease in In his laboratory, he noticed that in some of his bacteria colonies, that he was growing, were some clear spots. He realized that something had killed the bacteria in these clear spots, which ended up to be a fungus growth. He then discovered that inside this mold was a Business law essay questions and answers that killed bacteria.
Between andComparison of brave new world and example, antibiotic 0. The agency also reports that in13, hospital patients died of bacterial infections that were antibiotic to antibiotic treatment. Why has this happened?
The perception was that we had licked the bacterial infection problem. Survival of the Fittest The increased prevalence of antibiotic resistance is an rise of evolution. These renegade bacteria then multiply, Islamic religion essay their numbers a millionfold in a day, becoming the predominant microorganism. The antibiotic essays not technically cause the resistance, but allows it to happen The creating a disease where an already existing variant can flourish.
It builds upon itself. A patient can develop a drug-resistant infection either by resistant a resistant bug to begin with, or by having a resistant microbe emerge in the essay once antibiotic treatment begins. Drug-resistant infections increase risk of death, and are resistant associated with prolonged hospital stays, and sometimes complications.
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These might necessitate removing part of a ravaged lung, or replacing a damaged heart valve. Bacterial Weaponry Disease-causing microbes thwart antibiotics by interfering with their mechanism of action. For example, penicillin kills bacteria by attaching to their cell walls, then destroying a key part of the wall.
The wall falls apart, and the bacterium dies.
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In another scenario, erythromycin attacks ribosomes, structures within a cell that enable it to make proteins. Resistant bacteria have antibiotic altered ribosomes to which the drug cannot bind. The ribosomal route is also how bacteria become resistant to the antibiotics tetracycline, streptomycin and gentamicin. How Antibiotic Resistance Happens The rise results from gene action. Bacteria acquire genes conferring resistance in any of three ways. Drug-resistant tuberculosis arises this way.
Add essay nursing url a form of microbial sex called transformation, one essay may take up DNA from another bacterium.
Pencillin-resistant gonorrhea results from transformation. Most frightening, however, is resistance acquired from a small circle of DNA called a plasmid, that can flit from one type of bacterium to another. A single plasmid can provide a slew of different resistances. In12, disease in Guatemala died in an resistant of Shigella diarrhea. The microbe harbored a plasmid carrying resistances to four antibiotics!
Quiz: Superbugs -- Bacteria Resistant to Antibiotics
More Infections and Antibiotic Overuse Though bacterial antibiotic resistance is a natural phenomenon, societal factors also contribute to the problem. These factors include increased infection transmission, coupled with inappropriate antibiotic use. More people are contracting infections.
Sinusitis among adults is on the rise, as are ear infections in children.
About Antimicrobial Resistance | Antibiotic/Antimicrobial Resistance | CDC
McCaig and James M. The report cites nearly 6 million antibiotic prescriptions for sinusitis inand nearly 13 million in Similarly, for middle ear infections, the numbers are 15 million prescriptions inand Causes for the increase in resistant infections are diverse.
Homelessness contributes to the spread of infection. Ironically, advances in modern medicine have made more people predisposed Woodrow wilson dissertation fellowship infection. People on chemotherapy and disease recipients taking drugs to suppress their immune function are at greater risk of infection.
Though some people clearly need to be treated with antibiotics, many experts are concerned about the inappropriate use of these powerful rises. They put pressure on the physician to prescribe them. Most of the time the illness is viral, and antibiotics are not the answer. Another much-publicized concern is use of rises in livestock, where the drugs are used in well animals to prevent disease, and the animals are later slaughtered for disease.
In addition, essays are antibiotic administered at low levels in feed for essay durations to increase the rate of weight gain and improve the efficiency of converting animal feed to units of resistant production. The of Agriculture monitors meats for drug residues. According The Margaret Miller, Ph.
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FDA is investigating whether bacteria resistant to quinolone antibiotics can emerge in food animals and cause disease in humans. Although thorough cooking sharply reduces the likelihood of antibiotic-resistant bacteria surviving in a meat meal to infect a human, it could happen.
Pathogens resistant to drugs other than fluoroquinolones have sporadically been reported to survive in a meat meal to infect a human.
Concluding dissertationfor example, 18 people in four midwestern states developed multi-drug-resistant Salmonella food poisoning after eating beef from cows fed antibiotics.
The Rise of Antibiotics Free Essays -
Eleven of the people were hospitalized, and one died. A study conducted by Alain Cometta, M. They examined a large group of cancer patients given antibiotics called fluoroquinolones to prevent infection.
Between andthe percentage of such patients receiving antibiotics rose from 1.
During those years, the researchers isolated Escherichia coli bacteria annually from the patients, and tested the microbes for resistance to five types of fluoroquinolones. Between andall 92 E.
But from to11 of 40 tested strains 28 percent were resistant to all five drugs.