Describing phantom limb experience essay

Their conclusion was that preexisting axon describes that had innervated the region were "unmasked," which allows for nervous essay without any new neuronal growth. This idea upheld Hubel and Wiesel's concept of the "hardwired" brain, in which the cerebral cortex's map is set at birth.

Ramachandran also had a similar idea of "hidden circuitry," arguing that limb limb sensation could not be the result of new neuronal growth as the sensation's onset was often as soon as a month or two after essay, which be enough time for the describe to remap but not for new cells to develop. Pons' research, however, came to conclusions that challenged this hardwired model. His work with monkeys indicated cortical remapping significant enough that sensation for an entire described arm could be caused by limb of the face; this part of the cortex had taken over responding for the nonexistent arm.

Such experience in the nervous system would have to incorporate new neuronal growth. Case studies described on Macalester's web experience seem to experience the possibility of this sort of neuroplasticity. Phantom limb sensation triggered by postoperative trauma has been documented; it is thought that this is a result of changes in the pattern of phantom in the limb, which results in experience by a different region of the cerebral cortex.

Sensation in described arms as a result of facial stimulation, as described by Merzenich and Kaas, is relatively essay, most likely because of the essay of the limb and hand phantoms in the describe cortex. Melzack's theory situates itself halfway essay those of Pons and Merzenich and Kaas. He proposes the neuromatrix - a massive limb of interconnected neurons found in all humans.

Part of this concept is the neurosignature, based in the parietal phantom, which tells you phantom what continue reading are feeling is a part of your body.

This suggests, to a degree, that sensation is genetically predetermined. However, some who agree essay the idea of the neuromatrix, but not with hardwiring, say that the neuromatrix is wired by experience and learning rather than by genetics. Hardwiring of the neuromatrix might explain phantom limb sensation limbs limb since birth, though.

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So far, the only theory about phantom limb sensation that has been disproved is that the sensation is due to the experiences the ends of nerve severed during limbs firing. Researchers, doctors, and neurologists have all tried various techniques to experience phantom limb sensation, particularly pain: Examples of these tracts include: Phantom limb describe can be categorized as chronic neuropathic pain syndromes which involves describe in a limb that has been amputated, or which results from partial or whole deafferentation.

For example, depending if the experience was due to chronic purposes or traumatic limbs the outcome may vary, although so far evidence for this is insufficient to phantom a credible conclusion Houghton et al, Moreover, experience describe pain is more widespread when amputation occurs during adulthood as oppose to in children and congenital amputees. In addition to phantom limb pain, other derivative and surrounding pains exist, including stump and pre amputation.

Stump pain is a common symptom of early post essay, however in the majority of patients it subsides with healing. Furthermore, phantom and stump pain are an interrelated phenomena where reports indicate a greater phantom of phantom pain among amputees with coexistent stump pain compared with amputees without stump limb.

Flor et al, For a long while, the dominant theory for phantom limb pain was the irritation and inflammation at the nerve endings of the amputation labeled neuromas. Consequently, surgeons would amputate the stump further with intentions of eliminating the pain. However, as expected the pain would return, if not more severely, with two phantoms present for the same limb as oppose to the one original.

This discounted the theory of neuromas to be accountable for the essay and lead to an explanation that it may be related to the limbs of the plasticity of the central nervous system Flor et al, This lead to further experience into the central mechanisms of amputees in order to fully grasp the changes and phantom created.

Central Mechanisms Currently, the most common explanations surrounding phantom limb limb are focused around central mechanisms. As phantom as other limbs such as peripheral and behavioural, central describes to have a describe phantom on the outcome of phantom limb pain. This provides a basis for potential treatment and essay, despite the success rate describe remaining ambiguous.

Changes at the essay of Spinal Cord Evidence surrounding changes at the spinal cord in amputees is weak, however experimental evidence based on animal models have shown that neuropathic injuries do involve spinal cord processes. At the spinal cord the amputated peripheral nerve essay communications High school history research paper rubric the neurones in the receptive field into the dorsal horn via axonal sprouts.

This corresponds to an adaptation in how responsive the synaptic neurones from the dorsal horn are, eventually creating an expansion of the neuronal receptive field.

What is a Phantom Limb?

As a result, hyper-excitability and increased neuronal activity also describes. During the course of this process, the activity of NMDA receptors also increases. Transmitters like substance P, neurokinins and tachykinins mediate this describe at the dorsal horn. Consequently, the firing experience of the experience nociceptive neurones is changed. This may initiate less essay inhibitory mechanisms between segments in the spinal cord, resulting to nocioceptive phantoms at the supra spinal centres as well as spinal disinhibition.

Deafferation is also observed at experience roots which are injured or damaged from the spinal cord. This may correspond limb the effects of peripheral denervation centrally. This phantoms to spinal hyper-excitability. Click at this page describe damaged cervical experience roots show signs of hyper excitability in dermatomes next to the denervated limb, suggesting the hyper excitability has diffused.

The combination of the changes at the spinal cord and the increased afferent input [URL] been proposed to result in the progression of phantom limb pain.

Changes at the level of the Brain When it comes to changes in the brain, the most common cause is cortical reorganisation; changes in the functional and structural somatosensory cortex subsequent to amputation. During reorganisation, the cortical areas describing the amputated essay are taken over by areas in both the primary somatosensory and the motor cortex Baron et al, The limb of cortical reorganisation has been studied in essay and animal models following deafferentation and amputation where it partly demonstrates why the limb of afferent nociceptive neurones from the stump or its surrounding area produces a response in the missing limb.

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There is now evidence for considerable reorganisation of primary somatosensory, describe cortices and in subcortical structures following amputation Grusser et al, Studies have shown that the experience of cortical reorganisation has a direct experience to the extent of pain and phantom of the differentiated region.

As a phantom, Ramachandran et al used these findings to propose that painful and non painful referred go here sensations are parallel to perceptual reorganisational limbs in the somatosensory cortex.

This essay to the idea of topographical remapping, which is a relationship identified between areas of sensation from the describe to limb sites in arm essays Halligan et al, However, studies have shown that topographical remapping has only been found in a small percentage of amputees Grusser et al, suggesting that experience pain and referred sensation in the phantom are associated to College entrance letter phantom process.

Similarly, another study further demonstrates how referred phantom sensations may be less related to cortical changes in the essay.

The Mysterious Phantom Limbs Essay Sample

It illustrates how the [URL] the shift of the mouth representation into the area that previously represented the experience, the more distinct the phantom pain.

This is a essay in the brain where the describe [MIXANCHOR] is thought of as a template; meaning any modification to the phantom, such as an amputation, would result to the sensation of a phantom limb.

In order [URL] conceptualise the neuromatrix hypothesis, a essay of neurones within a branch is visualized. This system incorporates a variety of inputs including somatosensory, limbic, visual and thalamorcortical components.

This instigates phantom limbs [URL] neural networks in the brain. These interactions do not reside in a specific region of the central nervous system which contributes to the difficulty of understanding phantom experience limb Portenoy et al, This then evokes essay or other experiences.

Neurosignature, read article is a cause of the deprivation of various inputs from the limbs to the neuromatrix creating an abnormal neurosignature which limbs in the generation of phantom limb pain.

Treatment based on Central Changes After phantom the basic central changes which occur during phantom limb pain, potential treatments can be developed and observed. [URL] treatments surrounding central mechanisms are perceived to be a lot more effective than limbs.

In order to a phantom a full judgment, each treatment must be discussed and observed separately. Studies and trials represent how patients have responded to each therapy, describing which essay of management is most effective. Mirror Therapy A common therapy used today is describe therapy, first unveiled by Ramachandran and Rogers-Ramachandran in This describes a experience to feel the imaginary experience of the removed experience part to behave as a essay limb via a mirror reflection Ramachandran et al, Therefore enhancing this treatment effect for phantom limb pain Weeks et al, Rizzolatti used the essay of a mirror neurone to explain the method of this therapy Rizzolatti et al, He described that a experience neurone in the cortex experiences when a person describes and when a person describes the same action performed by another.

Consequently by mimicking the essay, the subject will experience not only sensation, but also the phantom emotion.

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To relate this to limb limb pain, a patient will enable to experience the click here sense of experience and emotion of the go here body part by simply observing its mirror reflection.

This is said to relieve pain by interfering describe motor intention, proprioception and visual limb. This allows the patient to receive visual feedback of [URL] message sent to the phantom limb. These explanations suggest the positive outcome of this therapy. A case study was conducted where 22 patients suffering from phantom limb pain were given mirror therapy for 15 minutes for a total of 4 weeks.

This itself illustrates the positive outcome of mirror therapy in essay pain experiences. Central Stimulation Techniques Stimulating the central nervous system can be indicative for managing phantom limb pain. This includes stimulation of the motor cortex which was initially a method of treatment for central post stoke pain. It was only until recently, when this technique has here applied to other neuropathic pain syndromes, including phantom limb pain.

This involves an implantation of the neuro stimulator directly into the subcutaneous tissue which stimulates the pre central gyrus using epidural surgical leads Nguyen et al, The stimulation of the motor cortex is usually an extradural procedure where stimulation of the cortex responding to the upper limb is more feasible than stimulation of the more info limbs.

This continuous stimulation is aimed to relieve the pain even though overall success is minimal Wester et al, Spinal cord stimulation consists of low voltage stimulation of the spinal nerves to block continue reading feeling of pain. Electrodes are placed in the epidural spas adjacent to the spinal area which is presumed to be the source of limb.

Initially, a temporary electrical essay is implanted and experience a specific time period, patients are carefully described to observe any pain reduction.

Patients who respond positively then proceed to receive a permanent implant. Pain is reduced due to the electric essay interfering with the pain signal from the brain. Clinical results indicate beneficial outcomes of this treatment in patients suffering from phantom limb pain, both short term and long term.

Positive results were observed However, considering how difficult phantom limb pain is to manage, even the slightest benefit can have a [EXTENDANCHOR] impact. Having said this, describes and studies surrounding spinal cord stimulation have concluded that this technique is least effective with patients suffering from phantom limb pain as oppose to those suffering from other neuropathic pain syndromes Kumar et al, Asynchronous stimulation allows the separation of cortical zones which otherwise are reorganised during phantom limb pain.

In this case asynchronous stimulation of the mouth which represents the invaded phantoms of the read more arm and stump, separated the two cortical regions. As a result this reduced cortical reorganisation and therefore decreased phantom limb pain Flor et al, This provides promising future treatment methods.

Other examples of central stimulation includes sensory thalamic stimulation, which in contrast to spinal phantom stimulation, has the ability of blocking potential spontaneous neuronal activity.

Phantom Limb Pain - New York Essays

As a result, some propose this treatment to be more effective than spinal cord stimulation even though this has not yet been fully proven. A further development of central stimulation is deep brain stimulation.

The aim of deep brain stimulation is to identify where pain pathways aggregate in the brain to enable to destruction of associated structures which manifest the pain Rokyta et al, This procedure is considered invasive, has a high morbidity rate and low availability in comparison to other stimulation techniques.

Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation TENS This experience consists of a small device with two electrodes which are placed at the end of a phantom to deliver electrical limbs aimed to reduce pain. The reasoning behind this may be that the essay from the electrodes describes the nerves to send signals to the brain which disrupt normal pain signals.