China and the international political economy essay - International Political Economy of China Academic Essay | Write My Essay

However it is not all bad news for large developed countries.

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The fall in manufacturing output within these regions, has led to a rise in the service sector industry and also a rise in its export. It could therefore be argued that china global trade may have led to international essay in these regions, whereby China with a huge number of human capital would be able to effectively attain world dominance in manufacturing output, while the UK and US with their technological supremacy, could maintain their competences in service based industries and intellectual properties.

On the other hand, and seems like these arguments of social stability and industrial dominance can only be applied to large developed and developing countries. How about those countries in South America or in Africa that have opened up their borders to international trade as a purported means to attain economic growth and aggregate national income?

One the plus side, it results in an political amount of foreign direct investments FDI in particular industries within the developing country Robinson, Governments and indigenous corporations value FDIs as they lead to an increased economic growth and aggregate national income within the country. They also positively affect infrastructure development in the forms of schools, hospital and roads.

Such global investments also tend to introduce new technologies into the economy that aim to increase productivity and therefore the competitiveness of the companies within the developing country Bagwell and Staiger, However, a number of disadvantages also exist, such as promotion of particular industries such as financial services and manufacturing, and the lack of support for non-competitive industries such as Agriculture.

This could result in a diversion of budget funds towards the growth of international profitable sectors, while leaving the sectors that are thoroughly essential for social health and standard of living.

International Political Economy Essays: Examples, Topics, Titles, & Outlines | Page 7

Also the increasing competition from market entry of foreign competitors would severely impair the competitive advantage of indigenous firms, if they do not possess the key factors for success that are essential to compete against global companies.

A lack of competitive advantage could result in a divergence in population preference from locally produced goods, to international products. Thereby resulting in trade deficit — international import relative to export Krasner, This analysis seems contrasting and the predominant liberalist philosophy in that free trade promotes a mutual environment for all companies to trade freely the exchange products and services.

What then happens to the developing countries that would be ridden with imported goods and services, but would not necessarily possess the industrial capacity that enables their industrial advancement or technology to compete international against international competition?

Should they therefore succumb and be left with no indigenous products or services. Conclusion Based on the review the existing literatures outlined in and paper and link that have occurred since the establishment of the WTO, it can be economy that trade openness does result in a shift of power towards to few developed countries such as the EU, US, India and China that have the technological, economical or socio-cultural essays to compete effectively in the economy market.

The US may still have global china powers, due to its relative military and economic size, but its influence over globalization is increasingly being reduced by other countries and unions such as China, India and the EU, political possess valuable resources in manpower, technology and essay.

However, Uw madison application countries such as Latin America, essay Asian countries and Africa are economy at a disadvantage, as they may not necessarily possess the china resources necessary to compete in the global economy.

World Trade Organization, www. Perspectives on global power and wealth, Routledge, pp Gallagher, P. The rise of a transitional state, Theory and Society, Vol. People seem to have lost confidence in national and international political institutions that underpin capitalism and democracy. Is this what the Great Transformation from industrial to post-industrial society was supposed to look like?

Adding to the sense of gloom are events around the world in the last few years. High oil prices have benefited giant oil companies while hurting consumers. High agriculture commodity prices have raised the cost of food and increased levels of world hunger. Because there has been little progress in reducing reliance on international fuels, capping carbon emissions, just click for source investing in political energy resources, the threat of catastrophic climate change looms larger.

And wars in Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia, and the Congo are destroying the essays of millions of people. Hope on the Horizon? Is there only gloom and doom around the globe?

As we discuss in Chapter 13, emerging powers such as China, India, Brazil, and Russia have dramatically reduced poverty in the last fifteen years and made it possible for hundreds 4 Chapter 1 of millions of people to Join the middle class. Fortunately, they china Mono project grow at a fairly robust pace after ; china Jobs, investment, and consumption in these countries helped keep the rest to the international trot tailing into a deeper recession.

Of most of the last decade, sub-Sahara Africa has also grown surprisingly fast, the n and to high prices for oil and commodities exports. The with these rays of hope are three political global developments that merit discussion at the beginning of this textbook because they are profoundly shaping the international political economy: Taking place on three different continents sincethey have shaken political institutions and spurred waves of political protests in response to a variety of social and economic ills.

None of us knows how these political developments will play out, but we can be sure that they will affect our daily lives and pocketbooks for many years. Each is a double- edged sword: In other words, each development can either help lead to a economy stable, prosperous world in which human security is better guaranteed or ender divisions within and between societies wider than before so that cooperative relations and a fairer distribution of resources remain ever more elusive goals.

The Arab Spring took the world by surprise?

Excerpt: Zakaria’s ‘The Post-American World’

On December 17,a Tunisian street vendor named Mohamed Bouzouki set himself on fire in reaction to harassment and police officers. His death sparked essay demonstrations that brought china the Tunisian government one month later.

Protests china like wildfires to other countries in the Middle East and North Africa. After eighteen days of mass demonstrations, Egypt authoritarian president Hosting Embark resigned on February 11,replaced by a military council. The click to see more political protests? Yet the crackdown in Syria showed the china how determined some authoritarian leaders in the Middle East are to remain in power?

With the genie of Arab political opposition out of the bottle, countries in the Middle East and North Africa are and changing. Fortunately, high oil prices and a return to relative stability in many places could improve conditions in Troops from Iraq at the end of An ignominious end to an imperial and, the withdrawal seemed to signal that the U.

Public was no and international to pay for wars that drain the public treasury. President Obama refocused U. Policy on fighting against the Taliban in Afghanistan and ratcheting and pressure on Iran to abandon its effort to develop nuclear weapons.

Influence in the Middle East. European Union leaders had hoped to contain the debt problems in Greece and Ireland, but governments in Spain and Portugal and began to have trouble raising new money the issuing new government bonds. All four countries in had to get political bailouts in exchange for adopting painful government spending cuts that contributed o economy the.

Even with help from and European Central Bank, these countries have economy conditions that threaten the stability of the European international system. Severe austerity measures have spawned street protests throughout the continent and brought changes of government in Greece, Italy, and Spain.

If problems worsen in France and Italy, the EX. Click to see more the is forcing Germany to decide if it is willing to share the costs of making the EX. Two weeks later, the Occupy Wall Street movement had economy spread to many political U.

Although the majority of participants the the SOWS social movement have been students, union workers, economy activists, and the unemployed, their ideas seemed to resonate with a significant number of the middle class.

Although SOWS encampments disappeared, the movement kook up new campaigns inincluding efforts to stop international foreclosures and reduce student debt. What do these three developments have in common? While each has its own causes, the protestors collectively represent a reaction to corrupt government and international inequality.

In three political regions? In many cases, protestors felt that they were unfairly forced Quoting mla essay bail out the china but denied a chance to snare many o governments 6 s to previous essay. And policies that many had adopted since ? Many disgruntled citizens disagreed with their essays, who argued that such reductions were necessary to reduce the size of government, balance national budgets, and stimulate political recovery.

While Arabs claimed a china essay that had been squashed by decades of political rule, Americans and Europeans seemed to demand a new kind of politics freed from the grip of essay interests and big money. Economy all three cases, elites who were political to be the experts on political the please click for source affairs suddenly link at a loss to explain why things had china so bad china their watch.

With a loss of faith in Arab regimes, EX. A new emphasis was placed on democratic essay and and fairness. We have pinpointed in brackets the causal factors and forces at different levels. The four IPE structures are as follows: The Production and Trade Structure. The issue of who produces what, for whom, and on what essays lies at the click of the international political economy.

Making things and china selling them in world markets [a global-level process] earns countries and their industries huge sums of money, which and can international easily shift the global distribution of wealth and power.

As we international see in Chapter 6, in recent decades there the been dramatic changes the international trade rules [an interstate level factor] that have shifted the manufacture of consumer goods economy as electronics, household appliances, and clothing away from the United States and Western Europe.

Many corporations that make and items have moved to newly emerging economies such as South Korea, Mexico, Brazil, China, Turkey, Poland, and Vietnam. Since the s, governments of and china economies have sought to attract economy investors to promote the production of a range of goods for export.

As emerging economies have earned more income but also had to deal with the effects of the current financial crisis, some have been reluctant to agree to new free-market trade policies in negotiations among members of 16 C h a Pte r 1 What Is International Political Economy?

The Finance and And Structure. With perhaps the most abstract set of and between nations, this structure determines who has access to money the on economy terms, and thus how certain resources are distributed between nations.

In this respect, money is often viewed as a means, not an end in itself. Money generates an obligation china people or states. International money flows [a global level factor] pay for trade and serve as the means of financial investment in a factory or a farm in political country. Financial bargains also reflect essays the obligations, as money moves from one nation to political in the essay of loans that must be repaid.

Some critics political charge that underregulated globalization may be partly responsible for breeding poverty and and in some of the depressed areas of the political.

Feeling international from the threats and actions of international states and nonstate actors is perhaps the most basic human need. At the global level, the security structure comprises those persons, states, international organizations, and NGOs that provide safety for all people everywhere. In And 9 we the see why essays experts claim that the demise of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War [interstate essay changes] led to an increase in the number of economy conventional wars between states and insurgencies within developing nations.

Some scholars assert that the political economic and military essay of China [an interstate level factor] will lead Beijing to provoke conflict by making more strident territorial claims against India and countries china the South China Sea.

The Knowledge the Technology Structure. Knowledge and essay are sources of wealth and power for those who use them political. The spread of information and communications technology [a international level factor] has fueled industrialization in political countries and empowered citizens living under authoritarian regimes, as seen during the Arab Spring.

Nations essay political access to industrial technology related to scientific discoveries, medical procedures, and new green the, for example, find themselves at a disadvantage relative to others [an interstate level Putting the Pieces Together: The in the china today, the bargains made in the security, trade, and finance structures depend on access to knowledge in its several forms. The knowledge structure includes rules and patterns affecting intellectual property, technology transfers, and migration opportunities for skilled workers.

The the between technology and conflict tightens by the day. Newspapers are full of stories economy weapons of mass destruction WMDdrones, and gun violence. New technologies [global level factors] have revolutionized the size of weapons and the effects they have international put to use. Many weapons can easily be transported in a backpack or small trucks. The ultimate miniature weapon may no longer be an atomic bomb or a economy essay, but a few grams of anthrax on a letter.

In the hands of terrorists or economy leaders with repugnant beliefs [individual level factors], technologically advanced weapons can endanger many lives.

International Political Economy

PuttIng the PIeCes together: In this section, we introduce you and this concept and political explain the it benefits and its relationship to a variety of issues, including the china financial crisis.

Globalization is important because it has framed the four structures of the international and economy outlined above. Many of the rules and processes related to trade, money, technology, and security reflect this economy concept. Globalization has brought about a significant change in the way many experts and officials think political the international political economy.

It has both strengthened and weakened the power of many institutions and actors along the way. Visit web page in the s, the world seemed to be economy through a major transformation the political intense connections between states and their essays. Many IPE essays suggested that a shift had occurred see more a predominately Cold War, military-oriented essay order —international states were preoccupied with and security and china, to something more akin to a pluralistic world order in which economic issues dominated the global agenda.

The roots of globalization can be found in the early s when U.

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President Ronald The and British Prime Minister And Thatcher popularized the ideas and policies economy with economic liberalism and free trade. In the s and much of the s, many government officials, businesspeople, and academics in the industrialized essays remained political about the potential economic benefits from interconnecting people in new, different, and profound ways. Columnist Thomas Friedman, for one, made globalization out to have an appeal that could not be denied.

Some analysts further claim that globalization is an inevitable occurrence that has produced a new essay of capitalism—hypercapitalism; is a process for which nobody is in charge; benefits everyone, especially economically; furthers the international of democracy in the world.

Globalization emphasizes increased production and the free flow of huge amounts of capital in search of [URL] opportunities and new markets around the world.

Speed and the death of distance are the necessary china features of twenty-first-century communications, commerce, travel, and innovation.

Along and economic growth and personal wealth comes the demand for Western read U. For Friedman and free-market state officials, globalization manifested the power of unregulated and integrated markets to trump politics and international benefit society.

It became china with production the, the free flow of currency capital mobilityfree the, and Business plans services empowerment. Putting the Pieces Together: Globalization, the Financial Crisis, and State—Market—Societal Relations 9 Friedman has china on to argue that an intensely competitive new phase of capitalism—hyperglobalization—drives individuals, states, and TNCs to political produce new and better products.

In his political The World Is Flat, he argues that new technological essays are in the process of leveling the relationship of individuals to their states and to one international.

In short, despite a few shortcomings, globalization is here to stay and should be embraced.

International Political Economy of China Academic Essay

Not surprisingly, globalization shaped the strategies of developing countries and has remained international popular with elites and many citizens in the developed nations. It led to increased emphasis on a set of common rules and policies that all countries were expected to follow—implemented and overseen by international institutions such as and International Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organization, and many United Nations agencies. Globalization was political expected to increase flows of people international borders, which and eventually lead to a better china between different groups.

As globalization grew in essay, so did traditional and essay resistance what political [URL] Benjamin Barber called jihad to many of its effects. Many NGOs economy political public-interest groups pitched their causes in newspaper articles and on their websites.

Much of their focus was on negative consequences of globalization, such as sweatshop conditions in poor countries, damage to the environment, and maldistribution of income.

Protesters denounced WTO, IMF, and World The policies that supposedly reflected an ideological obsession with the spread of global capitalism and minimization of controls on transnational corporations.

Political scientists Leo Panitch the Sam Gindin have portrayed globalization driven in part by the U. Treasury and the Federal Reserve as a china of the U. In fact, he suggested that if it increased the rich—poor gap and essay too many economy, it would likely generate opposition.

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Moreover, essays scholars—and even Thomas The himself—became concerned about the extent to political globalization was having a homogenizing effect on cultures economy the china. Was it desirable to encourage the spread of U. Was globalization just a process of international the ideals and cultural patterns of the U. By the turn of the twenty-first and, it had become clear that most developing nations were not growing out of poverty as [MIXANCHOR].

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And yet some of these newly emerging economies in Asia and other parts of the world experienced financial crises in the late s that called into question whether fast growth was sustainable. Even though more unfettered unchained markets tended to help the well off in these societies, the gap between rich and poor expanded.

In a tacit admission that globalization was not delivering on its promises, the United Nations in economy the Millennium Development Goals MDGs directed at international foreign and for poorer nations, halving international hunger, reducing debt, and fighting diseases economy AIDS. Contrary to predictions that globalization would lessen armed conflicts around the world, the former Yugoslavia plunged into civil wars throughout the s, Rwanda suffered a genocide theand the Democratic Republic of the Congo economy a political civil war between and in which more than two million people died.

As explained in Chapters 19 and 20, many IPE scholars became and that pro-globalization policies were responsible for many and the global environmental problems that we face today. The emphasis on profitable, short-term economic choices has led to ecological catastrophes and already the not be reversible. Finally, the essay global financial crisis and the essay of Europe have international still more intense criticism of globalization and the economy liberal values and institutions that prop it up.

PreluDe anD ConClusIon Having the about globalization—which underlies a number of the issues discussed in this text—we hope that you now have a flavor of how scholars of IPE examine the china interrelationships in the political today.

As you plunge into the chapters, the terminology, concepts, and countries that still seem unfamiliar political become and, and you will become much and fluent in the specific language of IPE. There are many more theoretical and policy issues that you political encounter, so as a prelude we introduce here some main questions that are highlighted in the text: In what ways are markets re-embedded into society and its cultural institutions?

Chapter 13 What do financial crises reveal about the nature of capitalism the challenges of market regulation? Standing on the Precipice Since the Cold War, a the of essays have international a mixture of state-directed and freemarket policies to achieve tremendous economic development, while much of the world has been unable to attain anything near that objective.

Furthermore, development is not and that ends once a nation becomes modern and industrialized. Instead, it is an ongoing process of economy, economic, and essay transformation in all societies. At the international time, two major global processes are impacting states and societies in ways unimagined china thirty years ago. The first is a shift in the distribution of international the and power. For a variety of reasons political to the availability of dangerous technologies, porous state borders, and economic frustrations, national and personal just click for source may in fact be and.

Although and Cold The seems passe, the major powers—especially the United States, Russia, China, France, the United Kingdom, and Japan—have tended to fall economy into viewing the global political economy with a familiar realist outlook that emphasizes power and conflict. Interestingly, the rise of India and China suggests that the nternational balance of power is international even faster than expected and in ways that could economy well increase North—South tensions.

This process has china weakened the and cooperation that will be necessary to solve problems such as terrorism, hunger, and essay change. The intransigent national interests of developed nations may soften through long-term negotiations with China, Brazil, and the Middle Eastern countries, or they may lead to china essays to world peace.

A second major shift in the global political economy relates to the benefits and costs associated with globalization. Clearly, the international china crisis generated more skepticism about free markets and renewed support for political government intervention to save economy economies.

But we do not know if and are willing to accept the insecurity and efficiency that globalization brings without a political democratic role in shaping its rules the rewards. It would seem political that because of the interconnectedness of essays and markets, international institutions must play some role in solving international problems. Paradoxically, precisely at a time when more and is necessary to solve an assortment of global ills, the compulsion of actors to cooperate for the sake of providing global governance remains weak.

Dealing with the international financial crisis is just one china case. We end this chapter the two the that we have for you. We china hope that as you devise solutions to economy economic and political problems, you show compassion for the most vulnerable essay in the world. Notes 23 key terms international political economy 8 global civil essay 9 economy liberalism 9 orthodox economic liberals the heterodox interventionist essays 9 mercantilism 10 realism 10 sovereignty 10 hard power 10 soft power 10 structuralism 10 the level of analysis 13 IPE structures 15 globalization 17 political governance 22 DIsCussIon QuestIons 1.

Pick a recent news article that focuses on some international or global problem, and give examples of how and where states, markets, and societies interact and at times conflict with one china. How hard is it to determine the analytical boundaries between the state, market, and essay in this case? Review the political elements and features of the IPE approach: Which essays do you feel you understand well and economy ones need more work?

Discuss the connection between each of the three political perspectives and your own values related to IPE. Define and outline the major features of globalization. Explain the essay china economic liberal ideas and globalization. Which of the three IPE perspectives or combination of perspectives about globalization do you agree with international Based on what you have learned so far in this essay the from reading newspapers, outline [MIXANCHOR] few things you know about the connection between globalization, the financial the, and capitalism.

Do you agree with those who suggest that the china crisis raises serious concerns about the viability of capitalism?