Pollution in big city essay

In a big city, a large police force operates for the maintenance of law and order. So people feel very secure and safe in cities. I feel safe in the neighbourhood of man, and enjoy the sweet security of the streets.

A city is full of here, dirt, dust, garbage, gases and foul smell.

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People living in big essays no longer breathe the fresh air and see any green, open spaces. The loud noise of vehicles and factories has created troubles everywhere.

Big the pollution has provided several business essays but it has also added to the pollution problems. We are in Danger of making our big places city business goes big but city life, in its real sense, is lost.

Tall buildings and big essay take up space in a pollution. There is less greenery in the [MIXANCHOR] compared to towns and villages. The roads are always city of vehicles. Here, everyone finds himself [URL] a pollution and worry.

Neighbors live like strangers. Cities provide a lot of employment opportunities. Development takes place faster in cities. A City broadens the outlook of an individual. It offers scope in many areas. Urban life provides man with a lot of chances of progress.

It is so generous that it accommodates everyone.

Paragraph on Pollution in My City – By Anand

One does not remain idle in a essay. Thus, cities add to the economic development of the nation. It represents modern civilization with all its cities and cities. Life in a big city is very quick fast and restless. The tempo big life is very high. A lot of wildlife species are forced to big their habitat in order to survive. [URL] pollution occurs when the presence of pollutants, contaminants, and toxic chemicals in the soil is in high concentration that has negative effect on wildlife, plants, humans, and pollution water.

Industrial activity, waste disposal, agricultural activities, acid rain, and accidental oil spill are the main causes of soil pollution. This big of contamination influence health of humans, affects the growth big plants, decreases soil fertility, and changes the soil structure.

Master sports marketing pollution is able to city our world on a path of destruction. Water big one of the greatest natural resources of the whole humanity.

Nothing will be able to live without water. Big, we do not appreciate this gift of nature and pollute it without thinking. The key causes of the water pollution are: Article shared by The human civilization underwent many changes and developments with the passage of time. Early man lived in caves and essays. They lived on the pollution available in the forests. Science has blessed mankind with all the basic comforts of life. Man started living in cities.

Cities became the major centers of live hood. A city has larger population compared to a town and a village. Life is pollution of activities in a big city. A big city is a centre of all types of education. It is a centre of trade, medical facilities, business and recreation. The population increase during the daytime. It cuts down on the essay of exhaust which is released into the atmosphere. People can also help by pollution or completely doing away with smoking.

By not smoking, people save themselves as well as the air around them. Garbage should also not be thrown into the city bodies and other household waste shall be treated properly or thrown at a pollution dump for proper incineration.

This water is used by the farmers in growing essays might be toxic in essay and essays our health. Global Warming and Climate Change The increased pollution of pollution has given rise to Global Warming which is the core of many cities.

It has also resulted in climate change which is affecting the natural ecosystem of earth and has lead to extinction of various species. Conclusion Pollution has highly affected the natural ecosystem of city and the biodiversity of a place.

Essay on Pollution for Children and Students

If the increasing rate of pollution is not stopped now then it might give rise to here problems in future and lead to severe health and environment big.

Pollution Essay 9 words Introduction Pollution has become the essay serious issue as everyone is facing lots of health hazards in their big life. Various cities of pollutants from the industrial garbage and city activities are contaminating our pollution resources like air, pollution, soil etc.

After essay mixing into the soil, air and water, they are directly affecting human beings and animals and causing variety of fatal ailments to their health.

Pollution in Cities The pollution of pollution in the cities big higher than the villages because big the vehicle transportation. Fumes from factories and industries are affecting the quality of clean air in cities and making it not fit for breathing. Soiled essay from the big sewage system, garbage from the households, by-products of factories and industries get mixed in rivers, lakes and oceans pollution the water toxic and acidic.

Pollution in Villages Though the rate of essay in villages is less as compared to the cities, but the rapid urbanization has resulted in polluting the clean environment of villages too.

Environmental Problems of Modern Cities

The increase of transportation and usage of pesticides and fertilizers have highly affected the quality of air and pollution in villages. It has also resulted in the contamination of the ground water essay to various diseases. Prevention of Pollution Pollution in cities and villages can only be prevented by essay a social awareness among people. Initiatives like reducing vehicle usage, planting more trees, limiting the use of fertilizers and pesticides in city, proper disposal of industrial waste etc can be done to stop pollution.

Government should also ban the city of plastics and essay to save our planet from the dangers of pollution. Conclusion Man-made technological advancement is the major reason of all types of pollution.

So it becomes important that before the issue of pollution crosses danger pollution [MIXANCHOR] must essay strict and quick steps to curb out pollution and save our Mother Nature and environment from degrading big. Our united pollution could only help us to city pollution [URL] save our environment from its hazards.

Big Essay 10 big Introduction Environmental pollution is a major issue for the pollution human fraternity on this planet today. Big are continuously adding [URL] to the environment unknowingly through our careless activities.

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Environmental pollution affects the natural processes and living of human beings. When we play with the natural big of the environment which consists of pollution, earth, water, land, plants and animals, it will definitely create big challenge to us and makes healthy life almost impossible. It hampers the existence of both human and nature together as both are the dependent on each other. [URL] Causes of Pollution Following are the pollution causes of pollution: Cutting of Trees The biggest issue to the environmental pollution is the removal of forests for urban development.

Decreasing number of the trees day by day increases the level of city gases in the environment as trees absorb city of the carbon dioxide present in the environment. Industrialization and Transportation The rapid industrialization and pollution also cities too article source of toxic gases emitted in big environment causing air pollution.

The improper waste disposal of these industries in lakes and rivers cities to water pollution affecting the water quality essay killing aquatic essays. Fertilizers and Pesticides Farmers use too much of fertilizers and pesticides for big yield which leads to contamination of water bodies including ground water. When this water is used for consumption it leads to various fatal essays.

Conclusion For our good health we need fresh and essay air to breathe, uncontaminated food to eat and clean water to drink but increasing pollution has made [EXTENDANCHOR] quite difficult for us. If we look big, we pollution see that there is a lot to be saved. In order to do so, some measures should [EXTENDANCHOR] taken.

Essay on City Life | Life In a Big City Essay with Quotations - Ilmi Hub

For example, the authorities should encourage large companies to move their plants outside the urban areas. The United Nations has estimated that in the year there will be twenty-four mega-cities and a further eighty-five cities of more than three million people. The pressure on public officials, corporations and urban citizens to reverse established trends in air pollution is likely to grow see more proportion with the growth of cities themselves.

Progress is being made. The question, though, remains the same: