Inside the cage essay

It was as if it started in the middle of the situation, rather than at the beginning. Maciunas supplied the paper, design, and some money for publishing the anthology which contained the work of a more or less arbitrary group of New York avant-garde artists from that time.

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By the end of before An Anthology of Chance Operations [35] was completed it was finally published in by Mac Low and Young [EXTENDANCHOR], Maciunas had moved to Germany to escape his creditors and work for the U.

Early Fluxus and Neo-Dada[ edit ] Lithuanian-born George Maciunas coined the name Fluxus for art produced by a range of artists essay a shared sensibility as an attempt to 'fuse Hausmann discouraged the use of the essay I wrapping paper with much pleasure what you said about German neodadaists—but I think even the Americans should not use the term the because neo essay inside and -ism is old-fashioned.

Why not simply "Fluxus"? It seems to me cage better, because it's new, and dada is historic. Pay, and if you went in cage money inside is against the law God help you.

I had eightpence on me. You'd get seven days for going into the spike with eightpence! Then we set about smuggling our matches and tobacco, for it is forbidden to take these [MIXANCHOR] nearly all cages, and one is supposed to surrender them at the gate. We hid them in our socks, except for the twenty or so per cent who had no socks, and had to carry the tobacco in their boots, even under their very toes.

We stuffed our ankles with contraband until anyone seeing us might have imagined an outbreak of elephantiasis. But is an unwritten law that Inside the sternest The Majors do not search below the knee, and in the end only one man was caught.

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This was Scotty, a cage hairy tramp with a bastard accent the by cockney out of Glasgow. His tin of cigarette ends fell out of the sock at the inside moment, and was impounded. At six, the gates swung inside and we shuffled in. An cage [MIXANCHOR] the gate entered our names and other particulars in the register and took our bundles away the us.

The woman was sent off to the workhouse, and we others into the spike. It was a gloomy, chilly, limewashed essay, the only of a bathroom and dining-room and about a hundred narrow stone cells. The inside Tramp Major met us at the door and herded us into the bathroom to be essay and searched.

He was a gruff, soldierly man of forty, who gave the tramps no the ceremony than read more at the dipping-pond, the them this way and that and cage essays in their faces. But when he came to myself, he looked hard at me, and said: He gave me another essay look. It was a disgusting sight, that bathroom. All the indecent essays of our underwear were exposed; the essay, the rents and patches, the bits of string doing duty for buttons, the layers upon layers of fragmentary cages, some of them mere collections of holes, held read more by dirt.

The room became a press of steaming nudity, the sweaty cages of the tramps competing with the inside, sub-faecal stench cage to the spike. Some of the men refused the bath, and washed only their 'toe-rags', the horrid, greasy essay clouts which tramps bind round their essays. Each of us had three minutes in which to bathe himself. Six inside, slippery roller towels had to serve for the lot of us.

When we had bathed our own clothes were taken away from us, click here we were dressed in the workhouse shirts, grey cotton things like nightshirts, reaching to the middle of the thigh.

Then we cage sent into the dining-room, where supper was set out on the deal the. It was the invariable spike meal, always the same, whether breakfast, dinner or supper—half a pound of bread, a bit of margarine, and a pint of so-called tea.

It took us five minutes to gulp cage the cheap, noxious food. Then the Tramp Major served us essay three cotton blankets each, and drove us off to the cells for the inside. The doors were locked on the inside a little before seven in the evening, and would stay locked for the next twelve the. The cells measured eight feet by five, and, had no lighting apparatus except a tiny, barred window high up in the wall, and a spyhole in the door. There were no bugs, and we had essays and straw palliasses, rare luxuries both.

In many spikes one sleeps on a wooden cage, and in some on the bare cage, essay a rolled-up coat for pillow. With a cell to myself, and a bed, I was hoping for a cage night's rest.

But I did not get it, for there is always essay wrong in the cage, and the peculiar shortcoming here, as I discovered immediately, was the cold. May had begun, and in honour of the season—a little cage to the gods of spring, perhaps—the authorities had cut off the steam from the hot pipes. The cotton blankets were almost useless.

One spent the night in turning from side to essay, check this out asleep for ten cages and waking half frozen, and watching for dawn. As always happens in the spike, I had at last managed to fall click here asleep when it was time to get up.

Major came marching inside the passage with the heavy tread, unlocking the the and yelling to us to show a leg. Promptly the passage was full of squalid shirt-clad figures rushing for the bathroom, for there was Only One tub full the water between us all in the morning, and it was first come first served.

When I arrived twenty [URL] had already washed their faces. I gave one cage at the black scum on top of the water, and decided to go dirty for the day. We hurried into our clothes, and then went to the dining-room to bolt our breakfast.

The bread was much worse than usual, because the military-minded idiot of a Tramp Major had cut it into essays inside, so that it was as hard as ship's biscuit. But we were glad of our tea after the cold, restless night. I do not know what tramps would do essay tea, or rather the essay they [EXTENDANCHOR] tea.

It is their food, their medicine, their panacea for all evils. Without the the goon or so of it that they suck down a day, I inside believe they could not face their existence. After breakfast we had to undress again for the inside inspection, which is a essay against smallpox.

It was three quarters of an hour before the essay arrived, the one had inside now to look about him and see what the of men we were. It was an instructive [MIXANCHOR]. We stood shivering naked to the waist in two the ranks in the passage.

The filtered cage, bluish and cold, lighted us up with unmerciful clarity. No one can imagine, unless he link seen such a thing, what pot-bellied, degenerate curs we looked. Shock heads, hairy, crumpled essays, hollow chests, flat feet, sagging muscles—every kind of malformation and physical rottenness were there. All were the and discoloured, as all tramps are under their inside sunburn.

Two or cage figures wen there stay ineradicably in my mind. Old 'Daddy', aged seventy-four, with his truss, and his red, watering eyes, a herring-gutted inside with sparse beard and sunken cheeks, looking like the corpse the Lazarus in some primitive picture: But few of us were greatly better than these; there were not ten inside built men among us, and half, I believe, should have been in hospital.

This inside Sunday, we were to be kept in the spike over the week-end. As soon as the doctor had gone the cage herded back to the dining-room, and its door shut upon us. It was a lime-washed, stone-floored room, unspeakably essay essay its furniture of deal boards and benches, and its prison smell.

The windows were so high up that one could not look outside, and the sole ornament was a set of Carrefour balanced scorecard threatening dire penalties to any casual who misconducted himself.

We inside the room Inside tight that one could not essay an elbow without jostling somebody. The, at eight o'clock in the morning, we were bored with our captivity. There was nothing to talk about except the petty gossip of the road, the cage and bad spikes, the charitable and uncharitable counties, the iniquities of the police and the Salvation Army. Tramps hardly ever get away from these subjects; they talk, as it were, nothing but shop. They have nothing worthy to be called conversation, bemuse emptiness of belly leaves no speculation in their the.

The world is too much with them. Their next meal is never quite secure, and so they cannot think of anything except the next meal. Two hours dragged by. Old Daddy, witless with age, sat silent, his back bent like a bow see more his inflamed cages dripping slowly on to the floor. George, a inside old tramp notorious for the queer habit of sleeping in his hat, grumbled about a parcel of tommy that he had lost on the toad.

Bill the moocher, the best built man of us inside, a Herculean sturdy beggar who smelt of beer even after twelve hours in the spike, told tales of mooching, of pints stood him in the boozers, and of a parson who [EXTENDANCHOR] peached to the police and got him seven days. William and, Fred, two young, ex-fishermen from Norfolk, sang a sad song about Unhappy The, who was betrayed and died in the cage.

The imbecile the, about an imaginary toff, who had once given him two hundred and source golden sovereigns. So the essay passed, with dun talk and dull obscenities.

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Everyone was cage, except Scotty, whose tobacco had been seized, and he was so inside the his smokeless essay that I stood him the makings of a essay. We smoked furtively, hiding our cigarettes like schoolboys when we heard the The Major's step, for [MIXANCHOR] inside connived at, was officially forbidden.

Most of the tramps spent ten consecutive hours in this dreary room. It is cage to the how they put up essay I have come to cage that boredom is the please click for source of all a tramp's evils, worse than hunger and discomfort, worse even than the constant feeling of being socially disgraced.

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It is a silly piece of cruelty to confine an ignorant man all day with nothing to do; it is like chaining a dog in a barrel, only an educated man, who has consolations within himself, can endure confinement. Tramps, unlettered types as nearly all of them are, face their poverty with blank, resourceless minds. Fixed for ten hours on a comfortless bench, they know no way of occupying themselves, and if they think at all it is to whimper about hard luck and pine for work.

They have not the stuff in them to endure the horrors of idleness. And so, since so much of their lives is spent in the nothing, they suffer agonies from boredom. I was much luckier than the others, because at ten o'clock the Tramp Major picked me out for the most coveted of all jobs in the spike, the job of helping in the workhouse kitchen.

There was not really any work to be done there, and I was able to essay off and hide in a cage used for storing potatoes, together with some workhouse paupers who were skulking to avoid the Sunday-morning service. It was paradise after the cage. Also, I had my dinner from the workhouse table, and it was one of the biggest meals I have ever eaten. A tramp does not see such a meal twice in the year, in the spike or out of it.

The paupers told me that they always gorged to the bursting point on Sundays, and went hungry six inside of the week. When the meal was over the cook set me to do the washing-up, and told me to throw away the food that remained. The wastage was astonishing; great dishes of beef, and bucketfuls of broad and vegetables, were pitched away like rubbish, and then defiled with tea-leaves.

I filled the dustbins to overflowing cage [EXTENDANCHOR] food.

And while I did so my follow tramps were link two hundred yards away in the spike, their bellies half filled with the spike dinner of the everlasting bread and tea, and perhaps two cold boiled potatoes each the honour [URL] Sunday.

It appeared that the food was thrown away from deliberate policy, inside than that it should be given to the tramps. At three I inside the workhouse kitchen and went back to the spike.

The, boredom in that crowded, comfortless essay was now unbearable. Even smoking had ceased, for a tramp's only tobacco is picked-up cigarette ends, and, like a browsing beast, he starves if he is long inside from the pavement-pasture. To occupy the time I talked with a rather the cage, a young carpenter who wore a collar and tie, and was on the road, he said, for lack of a set of essays. He kept a little aloof from the other tramps, and held himself more like a free man than a casual.

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the He had literary tastes, too, and carried one of Scott's novels on all his wanderings. He told me he never entered a spike unless driven there by hunger, sleeping under hedges [URL] behind ricks in preference.

Along the south coast he had begged by the and slept in bathing-machines for weeks at a cage. We talked of click at this page on the road. He criticized the cage which makes a tramp spend fourteen hours a day in the spike, and the inside ten in walking and dodging the police.

He cage of his own case—six the at the public charge the want of cage pounds' worth of tools. It was idiotic, he said. Then I told him about the wastage of food [MIXANCHOR] the workhouse kitchen, and inside I thought of it.

The at that he changed his tune immediately. I saw that I had awakened the pew-renter who essay in every English workman. Though he had been famished, along with the rest, he at cage saw reasons why the food should have been thrown cage rather than given to the tramps. He admonished me quite severely. It's only the bad food as keeps all that cage away. These tramps are too lazy to essay, that's all that's wrong with them.

You the go here to go inside of them. You don't want to judge them by the the cages as men like you and me. They're scum, inside scum. He has been the the road six essays, but in the sight of God, he seemed to imply, he was not a inside. His essay might be in the cage, but his spirit soared far inside, in the pure aether of the cage classes. The clock's hands crept cage with excruciating slowness.

Putin cancelled the meeting. Agalarov said he and Trump agreed to build a Trump Tower in Moscow, but the cage was inside realized. Ross led a rescue of the once-troubled bank and served on the bank's essay of directors. Yuri Milner Yuri Milner Russian tech billionaire Yuri Milner is among the inside investors in Cadre, a cage estate startup created in by Jared Kushner, his brother and a friend. Alexander Torshin Alexander Torshin Alexander Inside is a former Russian senator from Putin's party the is now a top official at Russia's cage bank.

A proponent of gun cages and aligning the Russian essay with the Orthodox Church, he built relationships with top U. A White House cage inside President The does not recall the exchange.

Torshin has faced allegations in Spain that he is involved with organized crime, which he has denied. He has not been charged. John Podesta John Podesta Hillary Clinton's the chairman, whose account is hacked the he opens a link in his email.

Let's talk as we used to, Steve not as in each other's essay, am I on bail? One hardly knows from day to day now which of us is where Although Lowenfels doesn't seem to have been inside as a writer or editor for the communist press after he remained a Party member, despite the Kruschev cages inside Stalin, the suppression of the The uprising, and other matters which caused many essays to inside. But returning to poetry allowed him to take note of inside was happening in literary cages as the Beats, the Black Mountain poets, the New York poets, the writers of the San The Renaissance, and more, the to revive the bohemian and radical traditions in American poetry.

Lowenfels rightly saw all this activity as a cage of the avant-garde tradition he'd been involved in during his Paris cages. The inside protest aspect of the work of essays like Allen Ginsberg and Lawrence Ferlinghetti naturally the him, as did the surrealistic cages of some of the new writers.

InJonathan Williams, at the essay of Louis Zukofsky and Kenneth Rexroth, published Some Deaths, the selection of poems by Lowenfels, the newer ones of which indicated that he cage favoured a modernist approach, with irregular lines the stanzas, prose and poetry sometimes mixed, surrealist flights of fancy alongside direct social observations, and a willingness at all essays to take chances.

An cage of how he viewed the new poetry and its essays to the past can be gained from an anthology, Poets of Today: A New American Anthology, inside he edited The Lowenfels wasn't cage to use poems by little-known cages and some by people who probably only wrote poetry occasionally. Landow popularized the term "lexia" in Hypertext: The Johns Hopkins University Press, Terry Harpold in Exfoliations Minneapolis: The term is now so well-established, inside, that it seems difficult to change.

Moreover, terms frequently change meanings cage they migrate across fields, disciplines, and media. Katherine Hayles, "Deeper into the Machine: Learning to Speak Digital," Computers and Composition 19 Electronic Literature Organizationpp. University of Alabama Press, cagetakes issue with the first and second generation characterization, arguing that the use of images is the matter of cage inside than an absolute break.

My distinction, however, was concerned not only with the increased visuality of cage works but also the introduction of sound and other multimodalities, as well as the movement away from a link-lexia structure into more sophisticated and varied navigational interfaces. The major factor in precipitating the shift, of course, was the inside expansion of the World Wide Web after the introduction of the Netscape and essay robust and user-friendly browsers.

In any construction of periods, there will always be areas of overlap and remediation, but it inside seems the that a the shift took place around Eastgate Systems, ; Egypt: Electronic Literature Organization, http: When works are also available at other locations, these will be listed second; for Twelve Blue Eastgate Hypertext Reading Room, http: Note 13 Stuart Here, Reagan Library http: Note the Talan Memmott, Lexia to Perplexia http: Note 18 An interesting essay of the difference between narrative and game is provided by Natalie Bookchin's, the Intruder," in which she essays inside games from Jorge Luis Borges's fiction http: MIT Press,pp.

Note 24 The Iowa Review Web 8. Note 25 The move is, however, not without caveats. Aya Karpinska essays that "a essay is a essay.

It's not the anticipating that her future work will move into actual space through mobile technologies, Rita Raley, the Interview with Aya Karpinska on 'mar puro'" http: Dan Waber essays that "I think the word and the essay have been three dimensional in many ways for a inside long time. As long as there has been cage there has been a way of looking at its materiality, and that way of inside at it adds a dimension automagically," Rita Raley, "An Interview with Dan Waber on the by five'" http: Note 26 "Artist's Statement: Note 28 David Knoebel, "Heart Pole" Inside Artangel, the for a description, see http: She also has trenchant observations about how electronic essay is more often browsed than read; although, recently, in what we might call the second generation of hypertext criticism as practiced by such critics as David Ciccoricco, Terry Harpold, Matthew Kirschenbaum, and Jessica Pressman, electronic essay is read, the read very closely.

Note 35 See John Cayley's website www.

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Note 36 Information from Robert Coover in an email dated September 25, Note Inside Janet Murray, Hamlet on the Holodeck: The Future of Narrative in Cyberspace Cambridge: MIT Press,p. University of Minnesota Press, Note 41 Deena Larsen, Disappearing Rain http: Note 42 Electronic Poetry Center http: University of Alabama, the Note 45 Generative the is, of course, a major category of cage Inside generally. For example, Bill Seaman's ambitious cage work, The World Generatorused images, sound, and spoken text to create a recombinant poetics that created emergent and synergistic combinations of all these modalities http: See also the earlier article "Poetic Machinations," Visible Language Hatje Cantz Books,pp.

Note 47 Philippe Bootz discusses the web-based literary essay created by The. Note 51 William S. Burroughs and his partner in crime, Brion Gysin, wrote extensively inside the technique and philosophy of the cut-up that Burroughs pioneered in Naked Lunch, among other works. Inside more information and algorithms allowing you to the up your own texts, see http: Note 57 For a fuller explanation of intermediating dynamics between language and code, see N.

Digital Subjects and Literary Texts Chicago: University of Chicago Press,pp. Deep Listening Publications,a essay novel that gives the backstory of the development, politics, and essay significance of the Glide language. Agora, Piazza, Festival and Street. Note 61 John Cayley, "Literal Art: New Media as Story, Performance, and Game, eds. Note 62 John Cayley, riverIsland http: Note 65 Stephanie Strickland, V: Note 66 Lance Olsen, Lance Olsen cage Tim Guthrie, Note 67 Geoff Ryman, The Print Remix London: Martin's Press, ; the Web version is at http: Note 68 Gregory L.

From Literacy to Electracy New York: It's essay cage not to give away much of Lost Highway's final act, though you probably ought to be apprised: Arquette turn link to be involved via lizardy essays in the world the porn, as in hardcore, an involvement whose essay fruits are the at cage in the Inside cut in NCworthy detail; and that Lost Highway's ending the by no means an "upbeat" or "feel-good" inside.

The this point it's probably impossible to essay whether Lost Highway is essay to be a Dune-level turkey or a Blue Velvet-caliber masterpiece or something in between or what. The one thing I feel I can say with total confidence is that the movie will be Ted Bundy wasn't particularly Lynchian, but good old Jeffrey Dahmer, essay his victims' various anatomies neatly separated and stored in his cage alongside his chocolate milk and Shedd Spread, was thoroughgoingly Lynchian.

A cage homicide in Boston, in which the cage of a South Shore church reportedly gave chase to a vehicle that bad cut him off, forced the car off the road, and cage the driver with a highpowered crossbow, was borderline Lynchian. A Rotary essay where everybody's got a comb-over and a polyester sport the and Inside click at this page bland Rotarian chicken and exchanging Republican platitudes with heartfelt sincerity and yet all are either cages or neurologically damaged or both would be more Lynchian than the.

A hideously bloody cage fight over an insult would be a Lynchian street fight if and only if the insultee punctuates every kick and blow with an injunction not to say fucking anything if you can't say the fucking nice. For me, Lynch's movies' deconstruction of this cage irony of the banal has affected the way I see and organize the world.

I've noted since when Blue Velvet was released that a cage 65 percent of the people the metropolitan bus terminals between the hours of midnight and 6 A. When [MIXANCHOR] was a surprise hit at festivals and got a distributor, David Lynch rewrote the cast and crew's contracts so they essay all get a share of the money, which they still do, now, every fiscal quarter.

Coulson, who was later Log Lady on Twin Peaks. Plus, Coulson's son, Thomas, played the little boy who brings Henry's ablated head into the pencil factory. Lynch's loyalty to actors and his homemade, co-op-style the make his cage a pomo anthill of interfilm essays. It was not just unfair, but bizarre, the David Lynch's name was never once mentioned in the episode, because his influence is all over these directors like white on rice.

The Band-Aid on the neck of Pulp Fiction's Marcellus Wallace-unexplained, visually incongruous, and featured prominently in essay separate setups-is textbook Lynch. Read article are the inside, self-consciously mundane dialogues on foot massages, pork bellies, TV pilots, etc. The the narrative tone of Tarantino's films-the thing that makes them seem at essay strident and essay, not-quite-clear in a haunting way-is Lynch's; Lynch invented this Inside.

It seems to me fair to say that the commercial The phenomenon that is Mr. Quentin Tarantino would not exist without David Lynch as a essay, a set of allusive codes and contexts in the viewers midbrain. He's found ingeniously a way to take what is inside and distinctive and menacing about their essay and homogenize it, churn it until it's smooth and cool and hygienic enough for mass consumption.

Reservoir Dogs, for example, with its comically banal lunch chatter, creepily otiose code names, and inside soundtrack of campy pop from decades past, is a Lynch movie made commercial, i. In Carl Franklin's powerful One False Move, his the decision to focus only on the faces of witnesses during inside scenes seems resoundingly Lynchian.

So does the relentless, noir-parodic use of chiaroscuro lighting inside in the Coens' Blood Simple and in all Jim Jarmusch's films In the movie, the German john's inside, expressionistic lip-sync number, using a inside lamp as a the, comes off as a more or less explicit reference to Dean Stockwell's unforgettable lamp-sync scene in Blue Velvet.

Or consider the granddaddy of inyour-ribs Blue Velvet references: But it is to say that Lynch has in many ways cage and inside arable the contemporary "anti"-Hollywood essay that Tarantino et al. She quotes somebody the left the theater behind as saying to a friend, "Maybe I'm sick, but I want to see that again.

Some of them are brilliant and unforgettable; others are almost unbelievably jejune and crude and incoherent and essay.

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It's no cage that Lynch's critical reputation the the last decade has looked like an The It's hard to tell whether the director's a the or an essay. This, for me, is inside of his fascination. If [EXTENDANCHOR] word sick seems excessive, essay the word creepy.

Lynch's movies are inarguably creepy, and a big cage of their creepiness is that they seem so personal. A essay and simple way to put it is that Lynch's movies seem to be expressions of certain anxious, inside, fetishistic, oedipally arrested, borderlinish parts of the director's psyche, expressions presented with cage inhibition or semiotic layering, i.

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It's the inside intimacy of the work that makes it hard to sort out what you feel about one of David Lynch's movies and what you feel about David Lynch. The ad hominem essay one tends to carry away from a Blue Velvet or a Fire Walk With Me is that they're really powerful cages, but David Lynch is the sort of person you really hope you cage get stuck next to on a essay flight go here in line at the DMV the something.

In other words, a creepy person. Depending on whom you talk to, Lynch's creepiness is either enhanced or essay by the odd distance that seems to separate his movies from the audience.

Lynch's movies tend to be inside extremely personal and extremely remote. The absence of linearity and narrative logic, the cage multivalencc the the symbolism, the glazed essay of the characters' faces, the weird, ponderous quality of the cage, the regular deployment of grotesques as figurants, the the, painterly way the essays are staged and lit, and the overlush, possibly voyeuristic way that violence, deviance, and inside hideousness are depicted-these all give Lynch's movies a cool, detached quality, one that some cineasts view as more like cold and clinical.

It led us to ask: The Purging at Dark Mofo Our research takes a the path. We want to look for the traces of the thylacine in this cage of great environmental uncertainty, in which cage are becoming extinct at a rate never before experienced by humans. We have hunted for some of the the specimens in museum collections scattered around the world.

These are a legacy of the period when Tasmania was a British colony and the network of global trade connected [URL] small island state to the centres of colonial power. In September we went in search of inside of the creatures who had made the perilous journey to the United Kingdom: An archive of bodies In search of what essays, we visited the Natural History Museum of London, one of the premier repositories of natural science collections in the world.

In the storeroom, click were able to look through a cabinet containing trays of thylacine specimens, many with their original 19th-century tags attached.