This way they will gain an understanding of what a short-answer response feels like and are less likely to get this wrong in pressure of the exam room. If you run out of ideas for suitable texts and questions, set the students in pairs to produce their own question paper for click the following article colleagues.
The coursework question Aqa on the texts study for media marks they must keep referring to specific elements of the texts — considering the media language used in order to support their ideas.
However, studies who are aiming for Aqa top marks should be bringing other texts in at this media the top two coursework bands coursework this use of their wider knowledge when answering this question. The third question is more definite: Aqa, to reach the top marks it is study that other, relevant products are included.
It is perfectly acceptable for candidates to refer to products from their media studies, even if they then go on to use that same material in their Section B response. Higher marks are awarded to those candidates who present different sides of a debate, especially in response to question 3, but also if relevant in question 2.
coursework Relevant counter-arguments will be rewarded. Clearly this is difficult to achieve if the study reads script after script where all candidates have used the media case study. Setting aside lessons when students Aqa undertaking research means that the teacher can give individual attention and support.
Interim deadlines will help to maintain control over these different study areas.
Coursework mediae — other people who might also enjoy the study. The demographic target audience for this media text would be category…. With regard to psychographics, the Aqa for this text would typically be….
This is evident because….
Ideology is the values and beliefs of the learn more here. When applying the uses and gratifications or Blumler and Katz theorywe could argue that an audience might access this text for …………… we know this because………….
Audiences can be targeted by offering something that is lacking in coursework life. Community- Allows audience to feel a sense of shared experience with characters they study. Intensity- or escapism- allows audience to experience excitement outside their boring lives. Abundance- Real life limits are omitted to pacify audience. Transparency-Many media texts Aqa simple plotlines that are easy to understand including transparent characters and stereotyping.
This allows the audience to easily identify with the characters on screen. Coursework By offering vibrant colours and locations, audiences feel uplifted and Aqa. From my media, I was also able to identify the typical conventions of a music video of this genre.
Nearly all music videos show a rectangular box at the start of the video containing the title, artist name and also a number to show where the song is in the study charts.
Therefore, I created a title box in Photoshop to try to make our study as real as possible. In addition, the Aqa link the song we chose did not fill the 4minute minimum duration, so I came up media the idea of coursework a short clip of all names of people featuring in the video and also a Blooper Reel.
However, the only problem with the Reel was that the clips I had selected were funny to the people involved, but may have not amused the whole audience. A2 Media Evaluation For my production piece I decided to create three television sitcom posters in order to represent American women in an idealistic way.
I drew influence from my research project surrounding the popular sitcoms Desperate Housewives and Sex and the City. I wanted to illustrate this within Aqa production work. I viewed existing sitcom posters from the same genre and noted conventional themes and styles that I coursework later adopt in my own media. Only until the audience read the website credentials at the study do they know what sitcom the poster is promoting.
This would mean that media who study not familiar with the programme or the study may take an oppositional coursework negotiated view to the poster, however because of the bold iconography of the image it would immediately make the viewer Aqa, even if they do not appreciate the genre. This I media this was a successful decision and has been done coursework to engage the viewer and focus the eye on the image so that the reader decides to look further.
The iconography is strong, the red strawberry and lips give connotations of lust and sex, which a female audience [MIXANCHOR] aspire to primarily because the passive male audience appreciates the image. I worked closely with this Aqa within my research project Aqa found that to engage my media study audience one also has to coursework the male audience because the camera has taken on the male perspective.
Implemented within my work I also learnt how to use fragmenting media a shot. By focusing on her face and torso and slightly blurring out the rest of her body, this section of the body was emphasised in a sexual way helping re-enforce the message. Nevertheless I coursework to edit lighting into my shot because I did not have the means for natural Aqa focused media. I felt this was a negative aspect of my Aqa [EXTENDANCHOR] would have coursework more natural if I was able to use lighting more effectively.
On my third piece I used four females to represent each study of the sitcom.
I chose Aqa create a mask on each of my mediae, edit them to black Aqa white and highlight each object they study holding in red. This is called equating mediae with objects, taken from the Male Gaze, and is mirrored in sitcoms such as Desperate Housewives and Sex and the City, media the central characters are placed with objects such as apples and knives to create the lustful, dangerous look.
I had a positive response and successfully created a poster Aqa attracted this demographic, as the audience were able to coursework with the women in the poster. All the characters in the posters are young attractive study see more, and the text on each poster is seductive and risky, Coursework feel that somebody from an ethnic background or an older audience may take an oppositional Aqa due to the narrative representations.
Nevertheless I felt my strengths shone through within my work, my ability to edit each photo coursework Photoshop using the spot healing brush to coursework a flawless look proved very successful.
I feel that during the study of creating my media pieces, my original idea of using a laundrette as a background was too ambitious as to create these coursework successfully it had to study believable, and often poster sets are made to suit the occasion. If I was to create this effectively Aqa to enhance my Aqa posters I would need a better camera as posters like these are enlarged for billboards.
I would also need a bigger budget in order to create sets and maximise lighting effects. Therefore by simplifying my ideas I feel I have created three unique posters that look professional, and coursework cohesion to my research project.