17.09.2010 Public by Arashikasa

Essay on oil drilling in alaska - Oil & Gas Drilling In Alaska Wildlife Refuge Free Essays - restaurantbistro.vestureindia.com

Read this essay on Oil Drilling in Alaska. Come browse our large digital warehouse of free sample essays. Get the knowledge you need in order to pass your classes and more. Only at restaurantbistro.vestureindia.com".

Oil & Gas Drilling In Alaska Wildlife Refuge

They will soon realize and see that drilling will ruin the resources, the land, and the beauty that their culture and tradition relies and depends so heavily upon. We should put this into careful consideration for we do not want to repeat history.

The author in Document D may not be the best person to represent the Inupiat people. He is a shareholder of a corporation that would benefit financially from the drilling.

Oil Drilling in Alaska Wilderness - Research Paper

This leads back to greed and so the consensus of the other Inupiat people who rely heavily on their environment may not agree. The drilling will pollute resources, scare Viviection essay food sources, and ruin the environment itself.

We have seen this too many times in the past, where violence will concur and repeating history and mistakes is something we should take into careful consideration. Do we want to take the land away from people who have there lived for centuries and have developed their way of life based on their land?

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By drilling Annotated bibliography definition oil on this land, we would potentially endanger the wildlife and the environment. Pollutants such as sewage sludge and garbage would bleed into fresh water sources, intoxicating animals that drink there.

The fragile tundra would turn into an industrial zone with pipes and roads that would stretch across the refuge, disturbing the wildlife. We have have to clear the environment to form roads, pipes, and oil rigs. The refuge is supposed to remain a pristine refuge for wildlife, not an industrial zone.

In conclusion, I hold a firm grasp on the belief that we should not drill for oil in the Alaskan Wilderness.

Oil Drilling in Alaska

It would not help us economically for its effect is too small for the consequences that would follow. Louisiana had the most with 19 units, followed by Texas, which had 11 units.

Furthermore, oil or gas was produced in 45 of the units located in 15 states. The number of producing wells in each unit ranged from one to more than in the Upper Ouachita National Wildlife Refuge in Louisiana. This is one of the most pristine and beautiful parts of the world.

Oil Drilling in Alaska Wilderness

ANWR oil production is not projected to have a large impact on world oil prices. Additional oil production resulting from the opening of ANWR would be only a small portion of total world oil production, and would likely be offset in part by somewhat lower production outside the United States. The coastal plain, for example, is a calving home for somecaribou. The NRDC also said there is danger of oil spills in the region.

Should we drill for oil in Alaska's wilderness? free essay sample - New York Essays

Fish and Wildlife Service has said that the area has a "greater essay of ecological diversity than any other similar sized area of Alaska's north slope ". The FWS also states, "Those who campaigned to establish Observations of the human mind essay Arctic Refuge recognized its wild qualities and the significance oil these spatial relationships.

Here lies an unusually diverse assemblage of large animals and smaller, less-appreciated life forms, tied to their physical environments and to each other by natural, undisturbed ecological and evolutionary drillings.

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17:21 Zugis:
Extraction of huge quantities of crude natural oil and gas, for the entire nation as well as surplus for export. The Democrats on one side are against the plans of opening up of the ANWR as was pictured by the refusal of former President Clinton while the Republics spear headed by President Bush are supporting the initiative. The price paid for this landmass was USD 7.

21:42 Mikaktilar:
Consequently, ANWR oil production is not projected to have any significant impact on world oil prices. Their fear is that by opening other oil wells the price of fuel that they will produce will be drastically lowered due to competition and availability.

15:44 Kazrashura:
The fragile tundra would turn into an industrial zone with pipes and roads that would stretch across the refuge, disturbing the wildlife.

17:43 Vogar:
We have seen this too many times in the past, where violence will concur and repeating history and mistakes is something we should take into careful consideration.

15:50 Kile:
Furthermore, gasoline consumption has remained high to due unchecked automobile use and the growing popularity of vans, sport utility vehicles and other inefficient car models. Oxford University Publishers, pp 96 — James, K. Meanwhile, many Democrats have vowed to vigorously oppose any attempts to open ANWR to drilling, and the future of the refuge remains a divisive issue.