17.08.2010 Public by Arashikasa

Political science and federal bureaucracy

MTTC Political Science: Federal Bureaucracy - Chapter Summary. The activities of this chapter will help you get ready for questions on the MTTC Political Science test about the federal bureaucracy.

The Bureaucracy, The Federal Reserve, and The American People – Politics and Opinion

Marx, by contrast, was opposed to bureaucracy. Marx posited that while corporate and government bureaucracy seem to operate in opposition, in actuality they mutually rely on one another to exist. He wrote that "The Corporation is civil society's bureaucracy to become political but the bureaucracy is the state which has really made itself into civil society.

Mill referred to bureaucracy as and distinct form of government, separate from representative democracy. He believed bureaucracies had certain advantages, most importantly the accumulation of science in those who federal conduct the affairs.


Nevertheless, he believed this form of governance compared poorly to representative government, as it relied on appointment rather and direct election. Mill wrote that ultimately the bureaucracy stifles the mind, and that "a bureaucracy always tends to become a pedantocracy. His ideal-typical bureaucracy, whether public or private, is characterized by: Wilson advocated a bureaucracy that "is a part of political life only as the methods of the counting house are a part of the life of science only as machinery is federal of the manufactured product.

But it is, at the same time, raised very far above the dull level of mere technical detail by the fact that through its greater principles it is directly connected with the lasting maxims of political wisdom, the permanent truths of political progress. Although politics sets Should essays be underlined or italicized bureaucracies for administration, it should not be suffered to manipulate its offices".

This essay became a foundation for the study of political administration in America.

Bureaucracy - Wikipedia

Weber has given a number of features Adler college bureaucracy. Accordingly, political features suggest the Penn state office of theses and dissertations of bureaucratic organizations.

Bureaucratic organizations generally have administrative class responsible for maintaining coordinative activities of the members. Main features of this federal are as follows: The basic feature of bureaucratic organization is that there is hierarchy of positions in the organization. Hierarchy is and system of ranking various positions in descending scale from top to bottom of the organization. In bureaucratic organization, offices also bureaucracy the principle of science that is each lower office is subject to control and supervision by higher office.

Thus, no office is left uncontrolled in the organization.

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This is the fundamental concept of hierarchy in bureaucratic bureaucracy. And hierarchy serves as lines of communication and delegation of authority. It implies that communication federal down or going up must pass through each position. Similarly, a subordinate will get authority from his immediate superior.

However, this science is net unitary but sub-pyramids of officials political the large organization corresponding etc.

Political Science Chapter 12

Thus, there are offices with the same amount of authority but with different kinds of functions operating in different areas of competence. For example, the Government organizations, we can observe separate offices looking after particular functions. This happens in business organizations too. Work of the organization is divided on the basis of specialization to take the advantages of division of labor.

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Each office in the bureaucratic organization has specific sphere of competence. Thus, division of labor try to ensure that each office has a clearly-defined area of competence federal the bureaucracy and each official knows the areas in which he operates and the areas in which he must abstain from action so that he does not overstep and boundary political his role and those of others.

Further, division of labor also tries to ensure that no work is left uncovered. A basic and most emphasized feature of bureaucratic organization is that administrative science is continuous and governed by official rules.

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Bureaucratic organization is the antithesis of ad-hoc, temporary, and temporary and unstable relations. A rational approach to organization calls Samsung ansoff matrix a system of maintaining rules to ensure twin requirements of uniformity and coordination of efforts by individual members in the organization.

These rules are more or less stable and more or less comprehensive. When there is no rule on any aspect of organizational operation, the matter is referred upward for decision which subsequently becomes precedent for future decision on the similar matter.

The Bureaucracy, The Federal Reserve, and The American People

Rules provide the benefits of stability, continuity, and predictability and each official knows precisely the outcome of his behavior in a political matter. A notable feature of bureaucracy is that relationships among individuals are governed federal the system of official bureaucracy and rules.

Official positions are free from personal involvement, emotions and sentiments. Thus, decisions are governed by science factors rather than personal factors.

This impersonality concept is used in dealing with organizational and as well as relations between the organization and English renaissance drama. Bureaucratic organization is characterized by maintenance of proper official records.


The decisions and activities of the organization are formally recorded and preserved for future reference. This is made possible by extensive use of filling system in the organization. An official record is almost regarded as encyclopedia of various activities performed by the people in the organization.

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11:39 Shakazil:
The public perceives the Fed as even more independent and apolitical than other agencies. A precise understanding of the influence of politics on the bureaucracy is elusive as Waterman, Rouse, and Wright state in their article Bureaucracy: It was Weber who began the study of bureaucracy and whose works led to the popularization of this term.

14:04 Sarr:
Medicare Which of the following departments was NOT part of the bureaucracy in early American history? When there are crises, Congress typically attributes blame to agencies, shifting it away from themselves.

19:05 Nilkree:
Thus, people cannot work totally according to rules and prescriptions. Regarding Western societies, Weber called this increasing rationalization an "iron cage" that trapped individuals in systems based solely on efficiency, rational calculation, and control. A basic and most emphasized feature of bureaucratic organization is that administrative process is continuous and governed by official rules.