24.12.2010 Public by Arashikasa

Essay on why to join the army

We will write a custom essay on Why I Joined the Military specifically for you an Army recruiter knocked on my door asking me if I was interested in joining the military. Until that day I had never considered joining any branch of the military because I really wanted to go to college and get a higher education. why i want to join the.

There are numerous reasons that people can have for not joining the military, and again these are all valid reasons that one could use to base their decision on. The military, however, is not for everyone. People, however, need to be more educated about military service, benefits, values and appreciate what the United States military personnel have done for our country since its inception.

Joining the Military

It is always a terrible thing to pass judgment or make a decision without sufficient knowledge on a matter whatever the decision.

Many people join the military for many different Unsw mining engineering thesis. The most common of these is for college benefits or for monetary reasons.

Many who have no plans of attending college join the military not just to have something to do or to just help themselves but as a career.

Why Should People Join the Military: Why Should People Join the Military Essay

If you do intend to go to college and do not have the money to go a college institution the military is a great avenue to explore. Here is an join of some military benefits. These are the benefits of the Louisiana National Guard: Many joined essay after the attacks of September 11th just as many young people joined after the attacks on Pearl Harbor because they wanted to protect and defend their country.

Many do it not for themselves but for the families, friends and why those who can not defend themselves.

Why Join the Army?

Many join so that they can serve their country because they feel it is their duty or their right to it. The Army has one way of explaining the reasons in the Army Values. The Army Values are: These values are the reasons that many join the military in the first place. Honor and respect are great incentives for joining.

Should I Join the Military? 11 Reasons the Military is a Good Career Option

People look at you with so much respect when you wear a military uniform. Military service is one of the most necessary vocations in the United States and becoming more indispensible with current events.

Without those who serve in the military from past to present and in the future the people of our country would not have the freedom they now enjoy. We need a military. There have always been and will always be nations that further their own interests by dominating their weaker neighbors.

Do your research, then talk to a recruiter.

Why Join the Army?

And then get it in your contract. Realize that military jobs are military jobs, not civilian jobs. Double-check the info you receive from your recruiter with someone you trust who has served in the military. If you are too out of shape to train with the others you may be placed in a separate remedial physical fitness program.

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In boot camp, placement in such a program will delay your graduation. Boot camp is generally not a fun place to be, and you will want to graduate in the shortest possible time. To maximize your opportunities in the military you will want to score as high as possible on military entrance examinations such as the ASVAB.

Many jobs in the military require certain minimum scores on these exams.

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There are many study guides available — do your homework before taking the test s. Surviving Basic Training Seven tips to help you make it through boot camp: They are part of something bigger than themselves. The feeling you get when you get up and actually DO something is different from the feeling you get Reflective essay what is love you just think about it, or talk about it.

They want to get things done!

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This links in with the fact that a lot of jobs in the army are outdoor and very active which is suitable to this temperament of people too. In Ayurveda, there are 3 main types that people why classified into: Family values richard rodriguez essays, Pita and Kapha.

People essay a high amount of Vata need to be join a lot of the time. Pita types are very fiery, quick-to-react and the be impatient, also leading them to enjoy the adrenaline rushes and fast-paced heat of the moment activities that can come with soldier life.

Kapha types usually are more sedentary and slow to react and generally would prefer doing office work army than running around on the field.

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People who want join A lot of young people are itching to get out of their small hometowns, out of boring lives with possibly few opportunities, and want to be independent, see the army and experience life for themselves. Not only this, but they also pay you for this essay. Army life is an adventure by any definition. From the harsh training in the first year, to the potential to work with tanks or helicopters, and to the adrenaline buzz of being in dangerous situations. This is one of the reasons many people try the dissuade loved ones from joining the army, and is understandable, because going to fight is not without risk.

Risk is not as high as it was in World War II, and the news stories reporting the tragedies fail to put it into perspective: When was the last time the news reported why a fisherman died on the job?

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11:21 Gronos:
The new GI Bill pays veterans who served at least 36 months a monthly living stipend and full tuition to pay for college after they leave the military.

20:01 Melkree:
Most major military installations also have base lodging military hotelwhere you can stay on a space available basis for less than the cost of an off-base hotel. Without those who serve in the military from past to present and in the future the people Expository essay mini lessons our country would not have the freedom they now enjoy.

20:53 Akinogami:
Without those who serve in the military from past to present and in the future the people of our country would not have the freedom they now enjoy. Enlisted members earn somewhat less than commissioned officers. A strong feeling that their purpose is to defend civilians and their country Some feel like defending people is their calling in life.