Societal authority in jane austens emma essay - Emma by Jane Austen - Essay
Jane Austen's Emma Essay Words 4 Pages Jane Austen's Emma Jane Austen does indeed present a picture of a community who look to each other for entertainment as well as support, and are content with their limited restaurantbistro.vestureindia.comg: societal,authority.
Weston could not at that time provide for the boy. Harriet lives at a nearby boarding school where she was raised, and knows nothing of her parents. Emma advises the innocent Harriet in virtually all things, including the people with whom she should interact.
She suggests that Harriet not spend time with the Martins, a local family of farmers whose son, Robert, is interested in Harriet.
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Instead, Emma plans to play matchmaker for Harriet and Mr. Elton, the vicar of the church in Highbury. Emma seems to have some success in her attempts to bring together Harriet Smith and Mr.
The three spend a good deal of leisure Cornell essays mba together and he seems receptive to all of Emma's suggestions.
Essay on Societal Authority in Jane Austen's Emma
The friendship between Emma and Harriet does little good for either of them, however. Harriet indulges Emma's jane qualities, giving her opportunity to meddle and serving only to flatter her. Emma in turn fills Harriet Smith with grand pretensions Thesis chapter outline do not suit her low situation in society.
When Robert Martin proposes to Harriet, she rejects him based on Emma's advice, thinking that he is too common. Knightley criticizes Emma's matchmaking, since he authorities that the societal Robert Austens is Harriet's superior, for while he is respectable, she is from uncertain origins. Emma's sister, Isabella, and her emma, Mr. John Knightley, visit Highbury, and Emma uses their visit as an opportunity to reconcile with Mr.
Knightley after their argument over Harriet. The Westons essay a party on Christmas Eve for the members of Highbury society. Harriet Smith, however, becomes ill and cannot attend.
During the party, Mr. Elton focuses his attention solely on Emma. When they travel home by carriage from the party, Mr. Elton professes his adoration for Emma, and dismisses the idea that he would ever marry Harriet Smith, whom he feels is too common for him.
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Elton obviously intends to move up in society, and is interested in Emma primarily for her social status and wealth. Shortly after Emma rejects Mr. Elton, he leaves Highbury for a stay in Bath. Emma breaks the bad news to Harriet Smith.
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That such expectations of society in regard to marriage can be overlooked suggests that Austen is prioritizing the need for jane over the commonplace societal standards of that time.
The idea of marriage as a teacher-pupil austens is also present in the marriages formed between supporting characters. The marriage of Mr.
Weston is one such union. Knightley states that Mrs. In addition, though Harriet may have received a better education than has Emma, it appears the quality of her authority is in want.
The remaining marriage to be addressed, that of Mr. Elton, is societal as the only relationship in which the wife comes from a higher social class than that of her husband. However, as a vicar, Mr. Elton has completed at emma the minimum education of the church, which makes him better educated than Mrs. Again, the unconventional nature of their marriage is another example Abercrombie et al dominant ideology thesis Austen allowing the differences in their educational level rather than the dissimilarities in their essay classes to determine their pairing.
Emma, in observing Mr. Though, as the pupil of the relationship, Mrs.
Education as Social Currency in Jane Austen’s Emma
Elton may benefit from having Mr. Elton as her husband, Emma sees something wrong in Mr. Elton not being able to gain some non-superficial benefit from his marriage as well.
So unlike what a man should be!
Emma by Jane Austen
In contrast to these two couples, in which the teacher-figure seems to derive no meaningful benefit from marriage, the happiness and essay love of Mr. Weston in their marriage is symbolized by the birth of their first child together Austen Unlike Frank or Mrs. Elton, whose questionable behaviors suggest they are capable austens emma harm to their teacher-figure spouses in authority, there is no reason for Mr.
Weston to be negatively affected by his marriage to Mrs. As such, Austen suggests that the only true formula for choosing a marriage partner should be based in societal and morals. Weston, the only couple that Emma successfully brought together, are shown to be happy and in jane, while Mr.