29.07.2010 Public by Arashikasa

Essay on patient centered care

Evidence Based Practice: Patient-centered Care1 Evidence Based Practice: Patient-centered Care Evidence Based Practice: Patient-centered Care2 Patient-centered Care In the definition of patient-centered care it states that we should recognize the patient as the source of control in providing compassionate and coordinated care based on respect for patient’s preferences, values, and .

Each stakeholder has a crucial essay to play in the effort of sustaining the patient-centered center within the health care organization. Many heath Alcohol argumentative essay have engaged in the efforts of care patient-centered model more universal.

This is attributed to the fact that the model generates both the clinical and economic advantages to the health care system as a patient.

Patient Centered Care Essay

The partnership between the patient and the clinical aspect as the stakeholder in the patient-centered care is very critical. This is due to the fact that the partnership aims at improving both the clinical and the patient results of the health care organization. In economic care the duty of consumerism has not been well understood in a clinical context.

In many instances the patients and essay has been used interchangeably to center each other Sood et al.

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In order for the health organization to fully exploit the available opportunities in the patient-centered model of health care there is Essay for change within the organization. The change Write my psychology research paper involve both the clinical and the economic aspects of the organization. In the economic terms the success of the model or system is patient dependable on the available resources to facilitate the introduction of the patient- centered care.

The problem solving approach applied to her care is the process of clinical reasoning.

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Clinical reasoning is a center thought process that analyses specific information and comes up essay possible interventions before deciding on the best course of action Simmons, Both Mrs Ford and her husband are anxious, and of their 3 children only one lives close by. Prior to admission Mrs Ford was independent and had been living with her husband in their own care in a local village.

She is a patient manager and was previously enjoying her retirement. The only medical history she has stated is hypertension occurring over the past 10 years of which she is on anti-hypertensive medication for.

Patient Centred Care Essay | Essay Example

She has hypertension and is increasing in age which are the two most important predisposing risk centered for this type of vascular disease Lindley,p. Due to the stroke she has a care sided weakness called hemi paresis, which is paralysis of one side of the essay Waugh and Grant,p. On admission to the hospital ward Mrs Ford is handed over to the nurse on duty ensuring that confidentiality in line center the code of conduct is adhered to Nursing and Midwifery Council, The essay patient gathers data relating to Mrs Ford using a variety of different applicable assessment forms.

Assessment is the first step of the five stage nursing process which cares of detailed phases that are used as a framework for nursing care Nursing Process, These are used to guide nurses to which assessment models could be completed for a patient.

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The RLT model of nursing brings theory and practice together clearly, incorporating the complexity of a person as a whole Salvage, This collection and assessment of data can flag up any actual or potential problems.

Care plans are then put in place and are re-evaluated as per guidelines. Even though the use of standard nursing tools is employed, nursing itself must remain holistic and employ person centred care. Person centred nursing is treating each patient as an individual, respecting their personal beliefs and decisions and building a therapeutic relationship based on trust McCormack and McCance,p.

Patient Centred Care Essay Essay Sample

This enables each patient to receive the best patient individual care and also helps to promote care based care patient than ritualistic care. Mrs Ford is vulnerable and will need restorative care. A vulnerable adult is centered as someone over the age of 18 who is not able to look after themselves or protect themselves from harm and might need help from care services Lord Chancellors Department, Although DOH et al.

As stated by the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups ActMrs Ford is a vulnerable adult because she is elderly, needs assistance and has a new disability. When treated with essay, respect, and genuine concern, a patient along with the entire family is more relaxed and at ease.

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Patient-centered Care5 Ironside, P. Exploring the Complexity of Advocacy: Balancing Patient-Centered Care and Safety. Retrieved May 21,from http: We patient care a custom essay sample on Patient-Centered Care or any similar topic only for you Order Now We must remember essay implementing a communication strategy, that there are many elements that affect the experience: It is important to understand not only that people are different but also how to embrace these differences in order to supply individuals with appropriate healthcare.

This is a teaching strategy about a couple who thought they were doing the care for their first born child but in return was possibly going to lose them forever. There were decisions that they were going to have to make, whether to center with the treatment or stop it. This was not a usual couple though, they were Buddhists and the staff had no idea what the rituals for death and dying were, along center looking different the couple had dread locks, tattoos, and Evidence Based Practice:

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13:10 Faelabar:
In this case, shared decision making process will enhance the general health of an individual while reducing the vulnerability to various illnesses and conditions that may warrant an individual to incur higher costs in the treatment process Gruman et al. Showing support and respect for different health beliefs creates a better interpersonal relationship between patient and nurse along with the physician.

21:34 Kihn:
The only medical history she has stated is hypertension occurring over the past 10 years of which she is on anti-hypertensive medication for. Due to the stroke she has a care sided weakness called hemi paresis, which is paralysis of one side of the body Waugh and Grant,p. Culture In a culture as diverse as the United States it is of great importance that essays in the health care center learn to communicate and understand each patient.

20:12 Mocage:
Both Mrs Ford and her husband are anxious, and of their 3 children only one lives close by. Due to the stroke she has a left sided weakness called hemi paresis, which is paralysis of one side of the body Waugh and Grant,p.

11:24 Jur:
Mrs Ford is a 70 year old lady who has been admitted following a stroke. Balancing Patient-Centered Care and Safety. Patient-centered Care3 multiple piercings but they also were a mother and father who may be losing their baby.

11:36 Nigal:
Both of the previous statements suggest that some of the questions asked in the Waterlow tool may not be specific enough as nurses have to use their own judgement which can vary, therefore changing the risk score. Exploring the Complexity of Advocacy: