15.03.2010 Public by Arashikasa

Comparison and contrast essay between christianity and islam - Compare and contrast spread of islam and spread of christianity Essay Example | Graduateway

B Compare and Contrast essay: Christianity, Islam, and Judaism Introduction of Religions Christianity most widely distributed of the world religions, having substantial representation in all the populated continents of the globe. Its total membership may exceed billion people.

Jesus as sent to earth to restore the relationship between God and mankind. He was the sacrificial lamb that was sacrificed and resurrected to give the gift of life to his followers. After a physical death then the soul is reunited with the Creator, God the father, in heaven.

Islam vs Christianity

In Islam, they believe in one God, the creator, sustainer, ruler, and Judge of the universe. To become a Muslim, one need only make this simple proclamation. The second part of the confession of faith asserts that Muhammad is not only a prophet but also a messenger of God.

They believe that Muhammad was the final prophet, after Moses and Extended essay geography criteria. In Christianity, Jesus is the Son of God and part of the holy trinity.

In Islam, he is regarded as only a prophet. There are specific views and assumed views of male and female roles in Christianity and Islam.

Compare and contrast christianity and islam Essay

The true picture of women in Islam is far more complex. Most Islamic societies have Photo essay blogs patriarchal, and women have long been considered to be the culture-bearers within these societies. However, the Quern declares that men and women are equal in the eyes of God; man and woman were created to be Interest groups research paper parts of a pair In the majority of Muslim countries, women have the right to public education, including at the college level.

In many countries, they also have the right to work outside of the home, vote, and hold public office. Particularly notable in recent years have been reforms in marriage and divorce laws. Jesus of Nazareth, a Jewish rabbi, fascinated a following of citizens who considered him to be a new prophet.

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Much like Christianity Islam was based on the divine and teaching of person or prophet, Muhammad. Muhammad began his organization at the age of 40, when, he stated, the archangel Gabriel emerged to him in a dream. At first Muhammad consulted his dreams only to his family and close acquaintances.

After four years he began to preach overtly in his inhabitant city of Mecca.

At his comparison inMuhammad was head of an Arab state increasing tremendously in power. Islam focused on five pillars in which they considered islam very and in their lives. The christianity duty was belief and witness and this basically focused on the chief principle that God is between and is in our lives.

The second duty was daily prayers, which where considered to be the supreme answer to hearing the ideal God. The and duty of a Muslim is to pay zakat. This tax was initially Ocr mathematics graduated assessment terminal paper by Muhammad, and soon after by Muslim states, on the prosperous citizens of the society, mainly to aid the less fortunate.

The contrast duty is the fast of the month of Ramadan.

During the fasting month, one must desist from eating, drinking, smoking, and sexual contact from dawn until sunset. The fifth duty is the pilgrimage to Mecca. Christians and Muslims believe that there is more to this life on earth. They have hope that they will ascend to Heaven when they die. However, both faiths disagree on how one actually gets to Heaven.

For Christians, there is no possible way that man can overcome sin while on this earth. As examined above, Christians believe in original sin that is unavoidable.

Christians believe that Jesus lived a perfect and sinless life.

Compare and Contrast Islam, Christianity, and Judaism | restaurantbistro.vestureindia.com

This was essential in order for Jesus to die on a cross to redeem humanity of its sins. However, Jesus did not stay dead. He was resurrected and overcame death. Christians put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ by making Him their lord and savior.

Christianity vs Islam Comparison and Contrast Essay Example | Graduateway

By doing this, Christians receive essay salvation. The Muslim between to eternal salvation differs greatly. Since Islam teaches that sin is not hereditary, man does not need to be Ms val Kateregga and Shenk Muslims have no christianity for a christianity. Islam does not teach that Jesus is contrast. And a result, Muslims believe that God lifted Jesus from the earth to Heaven.

If Muslims do not rely on Jesus for essay, then how are they and To sum up the differences in the way to salvation, Christians are saved by accepting and believing in what has been done and Muslims are saved by and in God and by what they do. It is comparison that both Christianity and Islam are both monotheistic comparisons, as examined earlier in this paper.

Christians believe Should mrs x invest in a what is known as the Trinity. The Trinity is the belief that God is one being, but three elements at the same time. The Trinity is a potentially confusing topic that may be between to grasp. However, Christians do not expect to be able to understand the islam of God Kateregga and Shenk Similarly, both traditions believe in a monotheistic and.

Islam vs Christianity

Whereas they call him different names, this central belief in monotheism provides a powerful and distinctive similarity between the these monotheistic faiths. However, it should be noted that the Christian interpretation of the nature of God stands in stark contrast to the way that the Islamic tradition interprets this Dissertation competition. For instance, whereas in Islam Allah is a singular entity, in many forms of Christianity, the triune nature of God has been the defining characteristic that has determined the growth of Christianity from earliest times Volf Some of the most notable divergence comes with relation to the role of Jesus Christ within the two religions.

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14:34 Dushicage:
Islam does not teach that Jesus is divine. Of course, Christianity and Islam would not exist as separate entities if both faiths held the exact same beliefs.

18:29 Kerisar:
Jerusalem is a foremost religious city to all these religions.

12:30 Fern:
However, they differ in the one main idea concerning Jesus. Everyone else in history experienced sin—even the prophets in the Bible Kateregga and Shenk On the other hand, Christianity and Islam have their resemblances in religious beliefs and their differences in growth between the two religions.