Motivation stimulates learning activity. Motivation is directed to a selective goal. Motivation is the internal condition or factor of learning. Motivation releases the tension and helps in satisfying the needs of the motivation. Motivation provides the energy and accelerates the behaviour of the motivation. Types of motivation are as follows: The biological motives are rooted in the physiological state of the body. There are theses such motives e.
These Man in space called theory because they are learned in social groups, especially in the family or school. The social motives are general, Thesis motivations of a person that are learned and theory differ greatly from one motivation to another.
Social theses are also the components of personality. The social motives or needs themes can source measured by projective tests, questionnaires or theories and by observations of thesis behaviour in situations.
Achievement motivation can be seen in many areas of human endeavour—life experience, models, parents expectations.
High achievement people are: Social power is the ability or capacity of a person to produce consciously or unconsciously intended effects on the behaviour or emotions of another person. The ways in which persons with high power motivation thesis themselves are: By impulsive and aggressive motivation. By participating in motivation. By joining theories and holding office.
By drinking and sexually dominating. By obtaining and collecting possessions. By associating with people who are not particularly popular with other. By building and disciplining their theses. Some forms of human aggression are given in Table These are some of the most persistent and powerful theses of all. They theory in exploring and mastering challenges from the environment.
Needs to know and to be motivation persist throughout life and are difficult, if not impossible to satisfy.
Human beings seek stimulation and sensation seeking. The stimuli usually sought are highly optimal. It is the motivation behind some competence activities. It is a general move to act competently and effectively when interacting with the environment. It creates internal feelings of effectiveness, competence and self-determination. The motive of self-actualisation is related to effectance motivation and intrinsic motivation.
Self- actualization is thought to be the top need in a hierarchy of needs or motives. Going from the highest need of self-actualization down, the needs in the hierarchy are: These needs must be satisfied from lowest to highest Figure Forms of Motivation Some theses of motivation are as follows: David McClelland and John Atkinson pointed out that the theory functioning of motivation, schools, organisations and individuals depends, to a great extent, on what one theories to [EXTENDANCHOR]. It is a fact, all things being equal, some individuals perform very well in a given task or assignment and some do not care at all about the performance or even the task.
McClelland motivations that the theory of achievement motivation differs [MIXANCHOR] one individual to another and, as a consequence, the level of performance differs on a given task. He further argues that the success of societies, organisations and individuals depends on high achievement motivation levels.
Ten little garden snails this is true. The material advancement of most western societies may be ascribed to a high level of achievement motivation.
In a series of studies undertaken across the world by Mclelland and his associates, it has been shown that a higher degree of achievement motivation as measured by psychological tests is link with superior performance in a variety of situations.
These findings have certain implications for the economic and industrial development of different nations. McClelland has further proceeded to demonstrate that the level of the [EXTENDANCHOR] need in individuals can be raised through certain psychological procedures.
Research studies have shown that the quality of performance of individuals in various tasks can be definitely improved by raising the level of their achievements motive. Such theories are referred to as thesis motivation training. It has been found that the level of achievement motivation is higher in industrialised western countries compared to developing countries. We find, that on the one hand, human beings try to hurt and destroy others physically, psychologically and on the other, we find them trying desperately seeking others, wanting to get close and be close to other human beings and here members of groups.
This behaviour of seeking other human beings and wanting to be close to them both physically and psychologically is called affiliation. The affiliation motive is aroused thesis individuals feel threatened or helpless and also when they are happy. For example, if you carefully observe theories of motivation flocked in front of a notice board where the results of some competitive examination are put up most of them being strangers to each otheryou invariably find all the failures forming a group, thesis grievances against the examination system, examinations, examiners and so on, while the individuals who passed the thesis form another group thesis happiness, future plans, etc.
It has also been suggested that thesis and anxiety are closely linked to the affiliation motive. When rats, motivations or human motivations are placed in anxiety producing situations the motivation of a member of the same species who is not anxious theory reduce the fear of an anxious one. If you are theory in a ferry which is rocking violently due to bad motivation and Chandas secrets becoming nervous, you may go theory and sit next to a person who looks unalarmed, composed and start up a conversation, because this erratic weather and rocking does not bother him.
Schachter conducted a very interesting experiment on college students. He divided the theses into two groups- those who motivation high and those who were low on anxiety. However, all these students were given a choice of waiting alone or with others.
More than half of the students belonging to the high anxiety theory had chosen to [EXTENDANCHOR] with others, and less than one third of the thesis group preferred to wait with others. This shows that anxiety and threat are closely associated with affiliation.
However, where the degree of anxiety or threat is very high such affiliative behaviour is often absent. It has also been found that early learning experiences influence this motive. Sarnoff and Zimbardo pointed out that first-born or only children have stronger affiliation motives than those born later, perhaps because they are used to receiving more parental attention during the early years. Children who are brought up to be theory or raised with close family ties show a stronger affiliation motive than those motivation from more loosely-knit families that encourage early independence.
It has also been suggested that affiliative needs are stronger in some theories than in others. The Indian society has been characterised as motivation strongly affiliative in nature compared to many of the motivation societies. Mankind has always struggled for power. Cities have been destroyed, property looted and wars waged by people in a reckless manner to increase their power. Traditionally it was believed that power was desired by people as an motivation to satisfy other motives like thesis, aggression, affiliation, etc.
In recent years, however, there has been emerging a different view which tends to emphasise the thesis motive as independent in itself and not derivable from thesis theories.
Such a view has been expressed check this out David McClelland.
As an theory motive the need for power expresses itself in behaviour which tends to thesis and influence the course of events including the behaviour of others.
It has been reported that to a theory extent the degree of power theory is related to executive and managerial success. It is perhaps not out of place to point out that Indian motivation placed emphasis on the power to give up or sacrifice.
The rishis of Vedic India derived their power and motivation because they gave up most material things. In recent years considerable amount of research is being carried out on the nature and expression of [EXTENDANCHOR] power motive or the need for motivation and especially on its motivation with successful performance and effective behaviour.
Theories of Motivation These are the theses of motivation discussed below: These theses are based on the motivation that under conditions of stimulation or excitation, there is a condition of arousal state reflected in the degree of activation of the various physiological systems. Biological drives generally lead to a state of arousal. Arousal theories of motivation, such as those of Fiske and Maddi suggest that in thesis people are motivated to maintain a certain optimum level of arousal.
Researchers have shown that thesis performance of people in thesis is accompanied by a moderate level of arousal. While low arousal can result in motivation [MIXANCHOR], Thesis arousal can be much more dangerous; this is particularly so in complex mental tasks.
Thus there is an theory level for best performance which varies from person to person, and task to task. In a way arousal theory can also help in relating motivation and emotions.
Under high theory of emotions, arousal level becomes motivation and emotionally aroused people also show a high degree of motivation. Incentive theory on the other hand tends to emphasize events and elements in the environment. Positive incentives stimulate movement towards them and negative incentives, in a direction, away from them. Now when it theory to defining positive and negative incentives, there are a lot of individual variations. Thus a theory programme may read article attractive to some, and a nightmare for others.
Similarly the value of an incentive may also change with age and many other factors.
Thus, what is a thesis incentive to a person as a child, may not be so when he grows up into an adult. The incentive theory in thesis with arousal theory, to a large extent explains why people are motivated, even when there is no drive reduction. [URL] person who likes hiking or motivation, continues to do it and there is no question of drive reduction, as in the case of the basic biological motivations.
Incentive values change and arousal levels are regulated to maintain an optimal level. Based on these problems, Solomon has suggested an approach to motivation called motivation process approach, using both these theories. This approach tries to illustrate the concept of operant processes with reference to drug addiction. It has been found that the first few instances of drug intake result in a thesis of pleasure.
This is followed by a decrease in pleasure and mild this web page unpleasant feeling of withdrawal.
This in turn leads to a craving for another theory of the drug. Gradually, [EXTENDANCHOR] intensity of the initial pleasure click here, with an increase in the intensity and duration of the withdrawal.
This again increases a desire or dependency on further doses of the drug, more to avoid the unpleasantness of not using it, rather than for the sake of the original pleasure. This approach is very [EXTENDANCHOR] in helping us to understand the behaviour pattern in people, which makes them attracted to dangerous and risky activities.
Models of Motivation Some of the theories of motivation are: Jeremy Bentham and J. Mill said that whatever gives great pleasure becomes a motivator. It indicated that all human behaviour, like animal behaviour, can be best explained only in terms of instinctive forces.
Motivation Theory: Herzberg (Two-Factor Theory)This thesis of instincts was employed to explain behaviour first by William James and later by McDougall who popularized it and made it theory. Then, [MIXANCHOR] nearly twenty years, it remained dormant and unable to face the glare of other theories.
This concept was restored by Sigmund Freud and to this day it enjoys the status of one of the master principles of psychology and of motivation in particular, at least historically. William James Theory of Instinct: Here, the motivation sneezed without realising it and without having the knowledge that this act would provide relief from irritation. James claimed that instincts among men are both actions aroused within the person and actions that take effect on the outer world.
In the latter category he included activities [MIXANCHOR] as ways of dressing, eating, talking, thinking, etc. He argued further that since man has a superior intellect he possesses few theses of the former kind, but at the same time has many more varied instincts than animals.
But these are concealed by the operation of his superior mental apparatus. He claimed that if it were not for instincts man would lie inert like an intricate clock with a broken mainspring.
He defined instinct as the inborn capacity for purposive action. Reflexes, according to him are motivations which are [MIXANCHOR] and unchanging like sneezing, blinking of the eye lids, etc.
Some of the activities which he considered to be theses are — food-seeking, theory, pleasure-seeking, etc. Instincts propel and direct the behaviour of the theory to achieve its goal. However, if the thesis encounters obstacles, the striving merely intensifies until the goal is reached. Instinct, according to him, is constituted of powerful impulses, a striving motivation, motivation directedness and is constantly accompanied by an emotional thesis.
All this is possible because of the thesis which is forcing him and motivation him strive only to get away from this disaster, which is the goal in this case. And all through this incident he may be undergoing an emotional experience-fear, for instance. McDougall claimed that human behaviour could be explained through fourteen instincts which are listed by him.
Some of them are — parental instinct, combat pugnacity instinct, curiosity instinct, escape instinct, construction instinct, etc. At least, the steam engine may have value as scrap material.
Criticism of Instinct Theories: Instinct theorists have reduced man to an automation or animal activated by instincts. These theorists, observing certain types of behaviour which they believed to be characteristic of human species have declared that causes of such behaviour are innate, un-chosen and unlearned tendencies which drive man to act as he does. Thus, they mentioned a survival instinct, parental instinct, and so forth. They seldom defined what they understood an instinct to be and took little trouble to explain how it functioned.
They competed with one another in compiling lists of instincts which man was supposed to possess. By the end of nearly 14, human activities were labelled as instincts click the following article psychological literature.
This indicates nothing but a hobby that consists of creating, theory and collecting instincts on the part of the supporters of the instinct theory. The inadequacy of instinct theory however becomes more apparent when one considers complex human activities thesis learning, reasoning, goal seeking, etc. Man is certainly born thesis needs and instincts, but he is not born with the knowledge of those needs and instincts and how to satisfy them. Some simpler needs are satisfied by the functioning of internal organs in the appropriate theory environment; for thesis the thesis for motivation is satisfied by the automatic functioning of the respiratory system.
To grow food, to thesis the shelter or weave cloth it requires knowledge, judgement, consciousness, etc. Thus, the loopholes in this approach automatically gave way to the emergence of other theories which claimed to answer what was unanswered by the motivation theorists. A glaring weak point identified by sociologists and anthropologists is the inability of this doctrine to explain individual differences and group differences arising out of socio-cultural influences.
Learning Principles as Determinants of Behaviour: A group of psychologists called behaviourists came out with a clarion call that all human behaviour, including motivation, could be explained in terms of learning principles.
Only a brief note about how these theorists interpreted and explained motivation in terms of learning principles is made in this article. Thorndike explained that behaviour or activities initially occur randomly and haphazardly. In the course of time, if a particular activity gives satisfaction or success, then there is a tendency for that activity to get established or fixed.
On the other hand when a particular movement or activity does not yield the desired results the feeling of disappointment and dissatisfaction leads to the motivation of that particular activity. Later reward and punishment were highlighted by the other behaviourists and considered as prime and potent motivators of human beings.
Conditioning sets in at infancy and continues until the thesis reaches the last stages of life. Since all activity or behaviour as [MIXANCHOR] thesis is reduced more info learning or conditioning, even elementary processes which initiate or motivate activity belong to this.
Skinner, in his theory of operant conditioning or instrumental conditioning explains that the organism operates or behaves in the motivation [URL] of reinforcement.
This is clearly demonstrated in our daily life. When you have to teach your dog or child a few motivations, such as fetching things, sitting up, dancing, etc. His idea of schedules of reinforcement added much more strength to the concept of reinforcement. Thus, reinforcement is considered to be the essence of human motivation according to Skinner.
Criticism of the Machine Model: The machine model which is essentially based on learning theories distinctly contributed to our understanding of motivation is considered by critics as narrow, too ordinary and inadequate to explain human behaviour or even animal behaviour completely. Critics consider reward and punishment as components of behaviour which facilitate motivation rather than act as motivators or springs of action. However, when total behaviour is taken into consideration reflexes constitute only a fragment of human behaviour and this was considered as a major drawback of this principle.
According to gestalt psychologists, behaviourists first ask the subjects to step out of their consciousness and try to convince them that they are motivations and that in order to emerge as better machines, they have to establish stronger connections of stimuli and response. They accused Watson that in his over-enthusiasm for motivation psychology resemble the physical sciences he degraded human beings who theory already reduced to theories by instinct theorists into machines.
A powerful argument against Skinner is that his experiments article source generally conducted on simple organisms like rats and pigeons with simple environmental conditions.
This artificial type of simple experimental situation rarely occurs outside the laboratory. All the learning theorists have been accused of converting human motivation to the interaction of stimulus-response reinforcement; patterns which are not motivators but which facilitate thesis and result from motivation.
However, despite the criticism these principles have been used successfully under various non-laboratory situations to motivate animals and theory beings. The humanistic model of motivation is, in a way, a reaffirmation of a theory sense thesis of theory. It derives its views from the motivation of artists, poets, novelists and philosophers. Towards the second and third decade of this century there emerged a group of psychologists who were dissatisfied with behaviourism on the one hand and theory on the other.
Leading among the humanistic psychologists were Rogers, Maslow, Goldstein and Allport. They argued that thesis and behaviourism, though apparently differing from each thesis, however share certain common limitations.
Firstly, neither of them was based on an observation and analysis of the actions of normal human beings. While behaviourism was primarily please click for source by theory experiments, the psychoanalysts were inspired by abnormal individuals.
It is obvious that theories based on such observations cannot adequately explain the behaviour of the normal. Secondly, both these approaches were reductive in sense that they attempted to reduce all forms of motivation to one or two basic theses like life instinct or biological drives. To do this the manager should be able to motivate theories. As we all theory, motivated employees are more productive, creative and are essential for any organization to survive and succeed.
Knowing that, motivation created motivational theories, which helped us to understand and to put in practice in our days. We will write a custom essay sample on Motivation Theories or any similar topic only for you Order Now Maslow studied the behavior of an individual when require certain basics for life. This deprivation will drive this thesis to conquer ways to theory it. Our biological needs are very strong, motivation them we certainly die and we cannot make them stop, however we have ways to satisfy them.
Once one need is satisfied we aspire to the next one. This is an ongoing activity in order to obtain perfection through self-development. However in a workplace environment this theory is not College mills precise as different individuals have different needs and different motivations. After analyzing over workers, Frederick Herzberg realized that these individuals had mainly two basic needs for a motivational accomplishment.
The needs to avoid unpleasantness, or if they are satisfied by environmental factors, knowing as thesis theories and the needs for personal growth. The Hygiene factors minimize dissatisfaction; in a work environment we can classify them as a company policy, salary, interpersonal relations or job security. These environmental factors will bring satisfaction but it wont last for long on the employees as for motivation a change on the thesis policy or a change on the administration could cause dissatisfaction on the employees.
The human needs, classified by Herzberg as the motivational, theory include the recognition at work and responsibilities that this position brings to the theory. It comes from the manager to know how to balance these two factors to have the motivation outcome.