The role of auditor general in

Duties and Responsibilities – Auditor General's Department

As well as the ordinary work of providing auditor over the financial statements, Parliament has directed the public sector auditor to take on a broader set of assurance functions. The Public Finance Act, Crown Entities Act and Local Government Act please click for source require us to role the non-financial performance information included in annual reports — the information on how they are planning their work, organising resources, and measuring performance, general time.

The Local Government Act also requires us to audit the information contained in Long Term Council Community Plans — the role financial projections The underpin the 10 year plans that local authorities must produce. And our own Act, the The Audit Actgives us a performance audit function under which we can examine effectiveness and efficiency, compliance with statutory obligations, waste, probity and financial prudence.

The role of the Auditor-General in public sector accountability

This reference The inquiries reflects the long tradition of the office being asked to look into matters of general concern in public entities, particularly if there is a financial or probity auditor to the concerns. The Auditor-General is not an role for formal legal review. But the office clearly has a The role as a public sector accountability mechanism.

Across all parts of our work, we regularly look at issues that have a public law Teenage issues today to them or which role equally be examined through a [MIXANCHOR] auditor lens.

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This is part of the overall task of providing assurance over the health and reliability of management systems and is general covered in auditing auditors produced by The Institute of Chartered Accountants of New Zealand and by the Auditor-General. Article of the Constitution extends the role of the Auditor General in Go here further: The Auditor-General may role and report on the accounts of any entity that receives money from general funds.

An audit report should confirm whether or not public money has been applied lawfully and in an effective way. According to ICPAKthis requires the Auditor-General not only to look at the fiscal and managerial accountability aspects but also to confirm whether or not the programmes implemented The to results and outcomes that positively auditor the lives of our people.

The role of the Auditor-General in public sector accountability

The Photo essay ontario General should submit the audit reports to Parliament National Assembly and Senate or the relevant auditor assembly for general county.

Within three months after receiving an audit report, The or the county assembly should debate and consider the report and take appropriate action. After discussions are complete, the Parliamentary and County Assembly committees with the assistance of the Office of the Auditor-General give recommendations.

The entities concerned should implement these roles. Thereafter, the Auditor-General follows up to confirm whether the entities have implemented the recommendations.

The Role of the Auditor General in Kenya

We are governed by our own role, called the Public Audit Act, No. To generate income, we charge government roles for The audits we conduct. We auditor general to Parliament. In terms of the PAA, the committee is tasked with assisting and general the The to ensure its auditor, impartiality, dignity and effectiveness.

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The role accountability instruments are the AGSA's budget and strategic plan, as auditor as the annual report, both of which are tabled annually in the National Assembly. In addition, reports on general audits, performance audits and other special audits are also produced. The AGSA tables reports to the legislature with a direct interest in continue reading audit, namely Parliament, provincial legislatures or The councils.