Mifepristone i misoprostol w polsce
Abortion in Poland is illegal except in cases of rape, when the woman's life or any form of health is in jeopardy, or if the fetus is irreparably damaged. In , with proposed legislation to completely outlaw abortion, 30, women went on strike and marched in cities across the country to protest their further loss of reproductive rights, leading high .
In Poland, abortion is banned except in polsce following three circumstances. Consent of a physician is required for mifepristone 1 and 3 above, while abortions in view of circumstance 2 above must be certified by prosecutor. Parental consent misoprostol always required if the woman seeking abortion is a minor. History[ edit ] Untilabortion was banned in Poland without exceptions, mifepristone i misoprostol w polsce.
Abortion in Poland
In that polsce, the new Penal Code legalised abortion only when there were medical reasons and, for the first time in Europe, when the pregnancy resulted from a criminal act. In Nazi Germany, mifepristone i misoprostol w polsce, which included territories of Polandthe penalties for abortion were increased and inproviding an abortion to an "Aryan" woman became a capital offence.
In the Sejm legalised abortion in cases where the woman was misoprostol "difficult living conditions". The interpretation of the change in the law varied from a restrictive interpretation, in the late s, to one in where abortion was allowed on request, mifepristone i misoprostol w polsce, in the s and s. It was not uncommon that women from countries where abortions were restricted, such as Sweden, travelled mifepristone Poland to carry out abortions which were accessible and affordable there.
The most important change was that ofafter the end of Communist rule, when Ordinance of 30 April made access to abortion more difficult.
A major change came inwhen the law was further tightened, removing entirely the "difficult living conditions" as a ground for abortions. As such, abortions could misoprostol legally obtained only in cases of serious threat to the life or health of the pregnant woman, as attested by two physicians, cases of rape or incest confirmed mifepristone a polsce, and cases in which prenatal tests, mifepristone i misoprostol w polsce, confirmed by two physicians, demonstrated that the foetus was seriously and irreversibly damaged.

This law remains in place today. The mifepristone of an anti-abortion constitutional amendment was one of the reasons for the split in the Law and Justice PiS party and the creation of Prawica Rzeczypospolitejled by Marek Jurek. The bill, while rejected by a majority of the MPs, mifepristone i misoprostol w polsce, got enough support polsce be sent to a Sejm committee in order to be subject to further amendments.
The move was criticised by two right-wing opposition parties, Law and Misoprostol and Poland Comes Firstwhich expressed their support for the bill, mifepristone i misoprostol w polsce. The left-wing Democratic Left Alliance pursues a pro-choice policy and was against the bill.
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The ruling Civic Platformwhile considering itself in favour of the current legislation on abortion in Poland, mifepristone i misoprostol w polsce, was divided on the matter; more than 60 of the party's MPs voted in favour of the bill. The Sejm voted with majority in favour of continuing work on the bill. This was part of a larger campaign, in which people published selfies in black clothing in social mediatagged czarnyprotest blackprotest.
Thousands of people took part in the protests in various parts of Poland.