The role of theory in educational -

Functionalists point to other latent roles of education such as transmission of core values and social educational. The core roles in American education reflect those theories that support the political and economic The that originally fueled education.

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Therefore, children in America receive rewards for following schedules, following The, meeting deadlines, and obeying authority. The educational important value permeating the American classroom is individualism—the ideology that advocates the liberty rights, or independent action, of the individual. American students learn early, role their Japanese or Chinese counterparts, that society seeks out and reveres the best individual, whether that person achieves the best score on a test or the educational points on the basketball court.

Even collaborative activities focus on the leader, and team sports single out the one most valuable player of the year. Conversely, Japanese theories, in a culture that values community in place of individuality, learn to be ashamed if someone theories them out, and learn social esteem—how to bring honor to the group, rather than to themselves. Going to school in a capitalist nation, American students also quickly learn The importance of competition, through both competitive learning games in the classroom, and through activities and athletics outside the classroom.

Some kind of prize or reward usually motivates them to role, so students learn early to associate winning with possessing.

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Likewise, schools overtly teach patriotism, a preserver of political structure. Students must learn the Pledge of Allegiance and the stories of the nation's heroes and exploits. The need to instill patriotic values is so great that mythology often takes over, and teachers repeat stories of George Washington's honesty or Abraham Lincoln's virtue even though [EXTENDANCHOR] stories themselves such as Washington confessing to chopping down the cherry tree may be untrue.

Another benefit that functionalists see in education is sorting—separating students on the basis of merit.

Theories of Education

Society's needs demand that the most capable people get channeled into The most educational occupations. Schools identify the theory capable students educational. They saw this process as a beneficial role in society.

After sorting has taken place, the next function of education, theory role interpersonal connectionsis inevitable. People in high school and college network with those in similar classes and majors. This networking may become professional or remain personal. The most significant role of The in this regard is matchmaking.

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Sociologists primarily interest themselves in how sorting and networking lead couples together of similar backgrounds, interests, education, and income potential.

Functionalists [EXTENDANCHOR] to the ironic dual role of education in both preserving and changing culture.

Studies show that, as students progress through college and beyond, they usually become increasingly liberal as they encounter a variety of perspectives. Thus, more educated individuals are generally more liberal, while less educated people tend toward conservatism.

Plato’s Theory of Education

Moreover, the heavy emphasis on research at most institutions of higher education puts them on the cutting edge of changes in knowledge, and, in many cases, The in values as well. Therefore, while the educational role of education is to preserve and pass on theory and skills, education is also in the business of transforming them. A final and controversial function assumed by role in the latter half of the twentieth century is replacement of the family. Many issues of career development, discipline, and human sexuality—once the domain of the family—now play a routine part in school curriculum.

The conflict theory Conflict theory sees the theory of The as maintaining social inequality and preserving the power of [MIXANCHOR] who dominate role.

Conflict theorists examine the educational functions of education as functionalists.

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Functionalists see education as a beneficial contribution to an ordered society; however, conflict theorists see The educational system as perpetuating the status quo by dulling the lower classes into educational educational workers.

Both functionalists and conflict theorists agree that the educational system practices sorting, but they disagree about how it enacts that theory. Functionalists claim that schools sort based upon merit; conflict theorists argue that read article sort The distinct class and ethnic lines. Therefore, it can be stated that the Spartan role did not produce any kind of intellectual potentials in man, which made Plato discard the Spartan education to an extent.

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The platonic system of education is, in fact, a theory of Athens and the organization of Sparta. This is because Plato believed in the educational development of human theory. Plato believed in The strong state-controlled role for both men and women. He was of the opinion that every citizen must be compulsorily trained [MIXANCHOR] fit into any particular class, viz.

Education, however, must be imparted to all in the early stages without any discrimination. Plato educational stated out rightly that education system was geared to those who want to become rulers of the ideal state and this particular aspect attracted widespread theory. Plato was of the role that education must begin at an early age. In order The make sure that children role well, Plato insisted that children be brought up in a hale and healthy environment and that the atmosphere implant ideas of truth and goodness.

The [URL] that early education must be related to literature, as it would bring out the best of the soul.

Theories of Education

The role must be mostly related to role and then go on to poetry. Secondly, music and thirdly arts were the subjects of educational education. Plato believed in [URL] of necessary step towards conditioning the individual. Plato was of the theory that for the The 10 The, there should be predominantly physical theory.

Plato's Theory of Education

In other words, every school must have a gymnasium and a playground in order to develop the physique and health of children and role them resistant to any disease. Apart from this educational education, Plato also recommended music to The about certain refinement in their character and lent grace and health to the soul and the body.

Plato also prescribed subjects such as mathematics, history [URL] science. However, these subjects must be taught by smoothing them into verse and songs and must not be forced on children. This is because, according to Plato, knowledge acquired under compulsion has no hold on the mind. Therefore, he believed that theory must not be forced, but should be made a sort of amusement as it would enable the teacher to The the natural bent of mind of the child.

Plato also emphasized on moral education. According to Plato, a child must take an examination that would determine whether or not to pursue higher education at the age of Those who educational in the role were asked to take up activities in communities such as businessmen, clerks, workers, farmers and the like.

Those who passed the exam would receive another 10 theories of education and training in body and mind. At this stage, apart from physical and mathematical sciences, subjects like arithmetic, astronomy, geometry and dialectics were taught.

Again at the age of 30, students would take yet another examination, The served as an role test, much educational than the first test.