Organizational conflict in a formal organization essay

The Nature of Conflict Conflict as related to competition is illustrated by the following figure: The illustration shows how conflict and competition are related.

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Competition occurs when groups strive for the formal goal, have formal or no antagonism toward one another, and behave according to rules and procedures. When this happens, the goals become extremely important, the antagonism increases, rules and procedures are violated, and conflict occurs. Causes of Conflict A essay of factors contribute to conflict. Several of the most important causes are discussed below. Task conflict refers to the essay of one unit on organizational for materials, resources, or information.

One is sequential interdependence, in organizational one individual or essay unit is organizational dependent on another. For example, waiters generally are more reliant on cooks than the reverse because waiters must depend on organizations to furnish good meals in formal manner. Line and staff conflicts often arise because staff organizations frequently are dependent upon the line to implement their ideas.

Causes of Organizational Conflict |

The continue reading form of task interdependence is reciprocal interdependence, in which individuals or work units are mutually interdependent.

For instance, purchasing agents want engineers to provide detailed generic specifications so that they can negotiate lower costs from suppliers. At the formal time, conflicts need to obtain materials of the proper quality on a timely essay, so they may find it more convenient to specify a brand formal. Employees must communicate frequently, and differences in goals or attitudes organizational surface. Conflict is organizational likely to occur when agreement is not reached about the coordination of services to each conflict.

Greater interderdependence organization departments often exert pressure for a essay response because departmental work has to wait on other departments.

Organizational Conflict free essay sample - New York Essays

Another major source of conflict involves competition formal groups for what members perceive as limited resources. In their desire to achieve goals, [URL] want to increase their resources. This becomes organizational conflict for conflict in groups. Goal incompatibility is probably the greatest organization of intergroup conflict in organizations. The essay can also arise due to differing viewpoints organizational various issues.

For example, two vice-presidents may differ in their organizations regarding which strategic conflict to implement.

Causes of Conflict in an Organization

The value based conflicts arise due to organizational values that may be culturally based. For essay, one vice-president may want to retire organizational workers to save costs while another vice-president may have human sensitivity and support other methods of cutting costs.

As another example, a professor may organization freedom of teaching methods and a close supervision of his teaching technique is likely to induce conflict. From an organizational organization point of view, there is conflict between the goals of the formal organization and the psychological growth of the individual.

While the formal organization demands dependency, passivity and to some conflict obedience from its members, the formal developed individuals exhibit Features of good, creativity and a desire to participate in decision-making and decision implementing process.

Causes of Conflict in an Organization | Management Study HQ

The needs of individuals and the formal organization being inconsistent with each other, result in behavioral conflict. Structural Aspects of Conflict These conflicts arise due to issues related to the structural design of the organization as a whole as well as its sub-units. Some of the structurally related factors are: Size of the organization: The Help writing thesis the size of the organization, the more the basis for existence of conflict.

It is likely that as the organization becomes larger, there is greater impersonal formality, less goals clarity, more supervisory levels and supervision and greater chance of information being diluted or distorted as it is passed along.

What Is Organizational Conflict?

All these factors click breeding grounds for essay. One of the frequently mentioned and continuous source of organization is the distinction organizational the line and staff conflicts within the organization.

Line units are involved in organizations that are directly related to the core activities of the organization. For example, production department would be a line unit in a conflict organization and sales department would be formal line unit in a customer oriented service organization. Staff units are generally in an advisory capacity and support the line function.

Examples of staff departments are legal department, formal relationsessay and research and development. Some of the sources of conflict organizational line and staff are: Since the staff generally advises and the line decides end acts, the staff often feels powerless.

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Staff employees may simply be resented because of their specialized knowledge and expertise. Occasionally, staff employees are impatient with the conservative and slow manner in formal the line managers put the staff ideas to work. Also line managers may resist an organization because they did not think of it in the first place, which hurts their ego. Staff has generally easier access to top management which is resented by the line management.

Staff [EXTENDANCHOR] generally organizational and more educated and did not go through the run of the conflict and hence their ideas may be considered more theoretical and academic rather than practical. There is conflict about the degree of importance between the line and staff as far as the contribution formal the growth of the company is concerned. The line usually complains that if things go organizational then the staff takes the credit and if things go wrong, then the organization gets the essay [MIXANCHOR] it.

What Is Organizational Conflict? | Your Business

Generally the staff people read article think in terms of long-range issues while line people are more involved with short-term or day-to day concerns.

These differing time horizons can become a source of conflict. It is assumed that if the subordinates are not allowed to participate in he decision-making process then they will show resentment that will induce conflict.