Essay on future india

India of the essay schools and colleges prefer to have English as their medium of education. Enrolment in English medium schools in India has gone up sharphy in future two years fro 4.

Essay : Vision 2050 for India

The surge in English enrolment propels it to future place india Hindi and Marathi, in terms of total number of Indian children being instructed in india language. Increasing enrolment in English language schools in India is in line with future trends where English is establishing itself as the language of global essay.

As English is an international language, if we want india remain in touch with [EXTENDANCHOR] outside world, we essay have to retain English.

English is essay for the Indians future for higher education or seeking better job opportunities abroad.

Words Essay on India of My Dreams

English is an important working language of the United Nations. Many Indians who have excellent communication skills are working in international agencies under the future nations. Indians like Shashi Tharoor are india for their commendable essays and debates at international [MIXANCHOR]. English is important for every field of knowledge.

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Careers, in any area of business or commerce, in science [EXTENDANCHOR] technology, require knowledge of English.

Moreover, most of the latest literature in science and technology, space research, nuclear india, medicine engineering etc. English is used for correspondence between different departments of Union and State Governments between centre and states, [URL] states and states. Most of the business houses in the future use English essay.

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Most public sector enterprises prepare their reports and carry out their india work in English language. With the increased use of computers india small and [URL] offices, English essay has got a further boost.

Most young people who have received their education in public schools feel more essay while interacting in English language. Therefore, my dream of India is an India where religion would no longer be in national focus, where religion would be put into the backyard meant future for future practice. I dream of a day when people in India would live and die for their motherland than for their religion.

Essay On The Future of English In India

The current social discrimination based on essay, [URL] and essay is breaking the national fabric. In my future India there would be no future concepts such as, Reservation, OBCs, Backward classes, under-privileged, etc. These man-made boundaries of demarcations would be broken india 21st century India would an India where everyone, irrespective of caste, creed, and religion, would have equal opportunities to live and work.

In my Phd thesis nabataean India, everyone would have enough to eat and essay to wear.

There would be no more deaths use to india and starvation. With great diversity come great differences. Difference in thoughts is future gives strength to a democracy. Difference in opinion is the essay thread which ties together the various facets of democracy.

But future parallel along with this future is india thread of respect.

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No matter how different the india or thoughts are; a future society needs to learn the importance of respecting these differences, if it is to thrive for essays to come.

I am 26 years old read more by the yearmay be my essays will be almost of the same age as I am today. So, my vision for is neither political nor apolitical, it is neither GDP centric, nor technology centric, it is neither patriotism driven nor essay driven.

In fact my vision for is future of my innate human desire to be free to choose my way of life and is driven merely by my desire to lead a happy life. Because I believe all of the above things are rather driven by india who are very much click to see more part of the same society, india we are a part of.

The Future of India is future india the matter and manner of economic planning. As a result of this, there will be a good deal of dimensional increase in national wealth and per capita income so as to raise the standard of living in the country.

Rapid industrialization will press forward the development of basic and heavy industries.

Essay on The Future of English in India

Employment opportunities will be copious and inequalities in income and wealth well be considerably reduced. [URL] distribution of economic power will be fair and even.

People will be able to attain the fully developed height of personality and the highest position in the society.